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Word from the Lord through David P Griffiths, 27/07/12



“Part 1: CONTEXT:


“The devil has been playing tricks with the people of the world. He has them convinced of certain things. He has brought a particular mind-set into the Western world; a mind-set which you find alien to your Christian way of thinking.


“He knows that if he can divide the people, & stress them out through over-regulation, he can then manipulate events as he wants them.


“The divisions in society are plainly obvious, with the system brought in to remove small businessmen & small charity worker, to allow his “got it together” large operations, where the people can be controlled through over-regulation & fear.


“You have heard the expression “I’m walking on egg-shells”? That is exactly what it is like. The devil has brought about a society divided against itself, & over-regulated, & as you can see throughout the world, individual cultures are being replaced by a global culture.


“Now, this whole build-up is part of his plan of bringing in the Antichrist, who of course has been prophesied, who will appear as the saviour of the world. But every now & then he puts on a show, to hurry this process along.


“9/11 was such a show, to bring about an over-surveillant society, so people would accept extreme surveillance in their lives; & the devil is planning another big world-wide show, to bring about further controls over the way people live, & think.


“9/11 changed thinking in the world. Conspiracy theorists have come up with a variety of beliefs in relation to such an event. This latest event, plotted by the enemy, will set off the conspiracy theorists again; but what I have in My Word is no theory. It is fact, & proven fact. The devil comes to kill, steal, & destroy; the letter of the law killeth; & a kingdom divided against itself cannot stand.


“This world-wide tumult about to happen, will get people to accept further surveillance, further regulation, & to use the Orwellian expression, “big brother is watching you.”


“Your reply to all this will be Psalm 91; & you will provide a hand for those who will become victims of this world-wide tumult. But I will have you walk in the heavenly places; & you will hold out a hand; that through repentance & being open, men can walk with you in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus.


“Their choice is this: the dog-eat-dog society, against the liberty in which Christ has set you free. That is what you will be offering.


“So prepare for a great world-wide tumult; not that it will affect you in the heavenly places, but it will give you opportunity to hold out a hand to those who will suffer through the consequences of this great tumult.


“So be aware a 9/11-style event is being planned by the enemy, the consequences of which will show all kinds of economic & security problems in the world. Do not believe any of it. They use these disasters so that the people will accept further regulation & surveillance.


“It is a scam of the devil with his ulterior motive. You stick with your policy of local communities, local figures like the bank manager, accountant, solicitors, operating in 1950s style, with local decisions, & not decisions of a global computer.


“So praise the Lord. Thou art high above these vagrancies of the god of this world. So rejoice: I have overcome the world.”

Word from the Lord through David P Griffiths, 02/02/12 



“Behold their threatenings: the Church grows at times of persecution, & you need to prepare for major growth.


“The enemy move has been one to isolate you into a corner; but has been one in which you are now shouting for joy, as you have given out what has attempted to suppress what you have been called to do.


“Cry aloud & spare not, saith the Lord. For they have gathered to place you into a corner; to muzzle the prophet, & suppress the Word of God.


“But God is not mocked; for I have come that ye may have life, & life in abundance; & that signs & wonders can flourish in thy midst.


“You truly are portraying what happens when My Church hears from Me. The religious community looks to muzzle the prophet; but I am saying unto thee,

 that this prophet shall not be muzzled. He is to be open at every “street corner;” that his shouting out the Word of God people come to him to ask about spiritual things. They ask him advice, & counsel. But along come those with the Pharisaic spirit, looking to suppress him, & get him to move & get out of the community.


“But I am saying unto him, Cry aloud, & spare not. Authorities are afraid of him, & are looking how to silence him; but he has the sword of the Spirit in his hand, & is prepared to plunge it into the enemy camp.


“This army of the Lord, which the enemy has tried to suppress, is on the march. This army of the Lord takes land wherever it goes. This army of the Lord is fearless in battle, having handed over its cares & burdens to Me. This army of the Lord is to take the land, & declare it to be of the Lord. This army of the Lord is to broadcast to the nations the truth of My Word.


“The anointing to preach is upon thee. Thou hast preached mightily in My Name, saith the Lord. My Church are not to be afraid. The enemy shall notmuzzle the prophet. What the prophet has been saying shall be heard by a much wider audience; & so you can declare, saith the Lord, My glory, might & dominion. You can declare, saith the Lord, that this is the hour of the Lord’s coming; coming to judge that which has come against thee, coming to judge the corruption in government & institutions of thy nation. For thou hast exposed the infiltrations of the enemy; thou hast come with an anointing to purify My Church; to remove the Higher Criticism ministry training system; to remove the high altars of buildings known as churches; to remove the communion rails which signify the separation between man & God & priesthood.


For thou art the royal priesthood, the holy nation, which is standing up boldly in thy community, unafraid, going forward, & taking the land, so once more Britain can be great; a nation under God, with a monarch keeping every aspect of thy Constitution; moving in My glory, the 1534 Act of Supremacy being kept to; the nation being aware of what the monarch swore in 1953; & the Act of Settlement being fully understood: that this is a Protestant nation under God; & that all those who come to settle in this nation, need to accept that this is a nation of Christian heritage: not Moslem, not Hindu, not Buddhist; not any earthly philosophy; not evolutionist; not utilitarian; not philosophy of any kind; only Protestant Christian. And as the Australian leader has said, those who cannot accept the Christian heritage of Australia, should leave that country, how much more should Great Britain, the motherland of Christianity to so many nations of the world, including the United States; how much more should this nation demand, that every citizen bow the knee to the God of its Constitutional Acts; that if a citizen cannot do this, that citizen should leave this nation.


If a politician of any of the Houses of power in the nation cannot bow the knee to the God of the Constitution which he or she is legally obliged to uphold, then he or she should leave the post he or she is in. If school teachers cannot uphold the God of the Constitutional Acts to the nation’s youth, then that person should be relieved of their post. If a member of the legal profession, whether that be police person, lawyer, or judge, cannot bow the knee to the God of the nation’s Constitutional Acts, that person should be relieved of their post.


And this Constitution is not to be syncretized with other religion; for the demand it gives itself is to increase the virtue of Christ’s religion, thus making it law that every subject of the monarch should not only uphold the Constitution of the nation, but also increase the virtue of Christ’s religion. Vendetta groups throughout the nation have been set up to suppress & muzzle those who are standing for the old paths. The enemy’s paths have been exposed. The corruption thou hast discovered has been exposed; & when a thief is found, he has to restore sevenfold. Thou hast found the thief in thy nation. Thou art to call men, women & children from all over the world to come & join us in this glorious proclamation, of calling the North Wales brokenness revival.


For in brokenness thou hast become the mouthpiece of God.”

Word from the Lord through David P Griffiths, 22/10/11

“Thy ministry has been under attack from those who have been saying what you ought to do, & ought not to do.


These ‘oughtnesses’ are those of the Pharisaic spirit I contended with in My earthly ministry. They are there continuously to trap you, to pull you down, & ultimately destroy your ministry. They will not let up, because they have decided that what you have done is wrong, & what you will continue to do is wrong.


“It is from this base great spiritual attacks come forth; & if they succeed & ultimately destroy your ministry, they sit back & say it was the judgement of God.


“As with the Pharisees, who placed the Word around their heads, so this group of people operate the Word with their heads. They have scriptures to say ‘You ought to have done this; you ought to have done that.’ They are the whited sepulchres of old.


“My apostles & prophets, who discern what is on the inside rather than what is presented on the outside: the Pharisaic spirit will always have an expertise attached to it; an expertise on how the Word relates to others, rather than how the conviction of the Spirit relates to them.


“You see, within the context of life around the Pharisaic spirit, you also have the Sadducees. They are around you too. They have a form of belief, but it is very woolly.


“You see, you have the resurrected Jesus in your heart, & move in the power that raised Christ from the dead. You know the verse, “If the same spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwell in you…”? In other words, you accept the reality of the resurrection through the singing of the song continuously declare ‘It is Finished’ – which is from My Word.


“You live your life through revelation. You write down what God is saying & calling you to do, & simply obey it. But what the Pharisaic spirit does is read scripture, & decide what others ought to do through it.


“You see, they have no concept of the resurrection. You see, My Word declares to be a doer of the Word; & the resurrection has an action side to it; & because there is no action side in the activity of the Sadducees, their activity is a denial of the resurrection. For their activity is no through revelation, but as with the Pharisees, through opinion of what others ought to do. They go around convincing others, & isolating you, even to the point of personal bankruptcy. They say this, & say that, & convince so many people that you become isolated. They then place the blame upon thee, because you do not mix with others – when it is they who have caused the isolation.


“They gather in groups of bitter, twisted people, talking continuously of what others ought to do; either that, or criticise that they have done. These are the present-day Pharisees & Sadducees.


“This, with the addition of the operations of Jezebel, is resulting in those that were getting a grasp of living through revelation, staying away from thee.

“The letter of the law killeth; but the Spirit giveth life.


“I am coming to what you need to do about it. It is all in My Word; & I know you wait for the leading of My Spirit to act, which is the right thing to do.


“(1) Make sure you walk in forgiveness, & not bitterness.


“(2) Activity can involve manifestation of the wrath of God. You will witness this from My earthly ministry; the passage that relates to the “Woes.”


“(3) Activity can include the taking on of the philosophical spirit, as indeed Paul did on Mars Hill.


“You see, in a sense with the Pharisaic & Sadducee spirit, you are dealing with philosophy. For within their ranks, they read the Word without revelation from My Spirit, & instead philosophise & discuss with others.


“And from this base comes a destroying machine on those that receive revelation. This is why in the Word expressions like “thorn in the sides,” “thorn in the eyes,” & “thorn in the flesh” are used. They relate to being that buffet & attack. Paul cried to the Lord over this. My reply “My grace is sufficient for thee.”

“What these spirits will look to do is to cause a churning, whereas I have called thee to be at peace.


“I know that thou hast suffered enormously over the years, through the activity of the Pharisaic & Sadducee spirit. Within this context of having this Pharisaic, Sadducee & Jezebel spirit around thee, one has sought to hear from Me & act accordingly; but the Pharisaic spirit says, “You ought to have done this, you ought to have done that.”

“But thou knowest well My Word in Romans 8, ‘There is no condemnation to those that walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.’


“You know full well to present your bodies unto Me, with renewed minds. This is what the Pharisaic spirit fails to do with its victims. They will always go back to the dead form of religion. This is why they like the festivals so much. Something can be organised for them instead of hearing from God for themselves. They will embrace Christmas, birthdays, Easter, with a passion, & think you should do all kinds of outreaches around them.


“You see, they are Sadducees; Sadducees who deny the resurrection. For your passion is to proclaim the resurrection of Christ; of Him risen from the dead; of Him crucified.


“For law has been built around these events, to place an earthly structure around them, thus suppressing the anointing; & of course, within the equation comes the operations of antichrist.


“There are those who have been taken out of fellowship with thee because of these activities of spirits; & now, you are left with a group who understands the concept of revelation. It is My will you have people within the fellowship who need to learn these things; & it is those who have been taken away.


“Give them this prophetic word in thy mail-out at the end of the month. Remind them of the Romans 8 passage. Warn them of the activities of the Pharisees & the Sadducees, & bring them back into the fold, to gain understanding of moving by the Spirit, instead of the flesh, & its activities of ‘oughtness.’


“You see, phylacteries are placed around the heads of those with the Pharisaic spirit. Their understandings are head knowledge only; & from here comes the attacks of the mind. The false prayers of control of the Pharisees, the letter-of-the-law words causing the churnings which thou dost experience.


“But I am come that you may have life, & life in abundance.

“An appeal to those who had come over a short period of time on a regular basis, to come back or stay under the control of the Pharisaic spirit that condemns; & looks to destroy.


“Continue to live by the revelation of My Spirit. Do not take heed to the oughtness statements of the Pharisees & Sadducees. I have called thee to hear from Me, & act; not to come down under the ‘oughtnesses’ of the Pharisees & Sadducees.”

Word from the Lord through David P Griffiths, 30/12/11



“There are rumours of wars at this time, in relation to the Middle East; there being a suppression of news on the Iranian issue. In Iran itself, there is great disquiet, & indeed, there is great judgement in that land, over its attitude towards My Church.


“My Church is growing in Iran, & the gates of hell shall not prevail against it; & there are much rumours in relation to whether “Israel” will take out nuclear facilities; much rumours in relation to the transportation of the world’s goods; as to whether or not Western powers will come in to secure safe passage for their goods.


“For I am telling you this: these are simply the signs of the times. Actual wars, & rumours of wars, as there is in Syria; as there has been in Libya – for there is a volatility around the Mediterranean Sea. So, be aware that these are the signs of the times. Be aware that now is the time for the build-up of the Antichrist. Even now, there are many antichrists, as you have been exposing; the so-called “Church” in thy nation, sleeping * not being on its watch.


“The Anglican so-called “Church” in thy nation is an abomination to Me. Its role as the national Church was to ensure the monarch keep her promises to God; yet she has been involved in a war against the innocents of the womb; for constitutionally, she has never been allowed to sign acts of Parliament that bring death to innocents. And this war is a war that the Church in thy nation should have really exposed.


“It is your role in prophet-hood to expose the sin of the nation, in having a war against innocents that has brought a curse upon thy nation. Day after day, innocents get slaughtered, in this war against human flesh. Day after day, man lies with man, & woman lies with woman, preventing the growth of the human body,


“Thy nation is under a curse. For this curse to be removed, there needs to be national repentance, & a complete reformation of the national Church.

“Cry aloud & spare not, My children. This country is also at war against its very own constitution. You have made a stand, & are about to enter a year where there will be great interest in the monarch of thy land; & great interest in what you have to say about her obligation before God.


“The summaries you have worked on; what are commonly called “bullet-points,” will really hit thy nation. For the monarch is under obligation to stop the war against the innocents; to stop the lying of man with man & woman with woman. For she, in her oath before Me, promised to keep the laws of God, which clearly do not allow such activity.


“The monarch was also not permitted to allow foreign infiltration into thy legal & political systems; which thou hast found easy to prove.


“But there is an area which you need to bring out powerfully; & that is her promise to propagate the Protestant Reformed religion established by law; & to remove all Catholicism from the monarchy. That is law. Thy nation is aware it is law; & Government, in its attempt to remove this law, are violating the very promises the monarch gave to Me.


“It is your opportunity to warn the nation of its disobedience before God.

“The nation has become a sitting duck for Babylon to take it over.


“Thy nation has suffered the impact of successive governments who have not honoured the promises the monarch has given unto God, thus making the nation unstable; the people restless & afraid; the only solution being repentance of the nation before God, revival being the Rhema Word in December, & not Christmas. They go through their old routines of religion, & fail to hear from God. They laugh at My Word, & are now about to pay the consequences of such disobedience; the consequences being found in Deuteronomy 28; thy nation being vulnerable in a world of wars & rumours of wars.


“And as you see, you are to have a great year, rising above the tide of evil in thy nation. You are to walk under divine protection, in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus. You have dynamic Word given to thee in relation to the pulling down of strongholds. The preaching of My Word is to be vitally important. The warnings you give to the nation, vitally important; & as the build-up to the Olympics occurs, be aware of world-wide instability, of wars & rumours of wars.


“As the world looks to London, with its exhibition of games that originated in the land of philosophy, & obscure spiritual thought, thy nation will be seen to be under a curse, for not obeying Me; for going after games of the world, rather than keeping its own promises before God.


“So, teach the people to climb the hill of the Lord; leave aside the principles of this world, & walk in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus.


“This is the message of God.”

Word from the Lord through David P Griffiths, 14/01/15

“They are Gathering  around the Plains of Megiddo”


“The armies of the world are gathering. Now you might say, ‘Where are they?’ The answer is, ‘Everywhere.’ Secularism is fighting the people of God. 


Secularism took on the Word of God, & devised a plot to take the Word of God out of the hands of those who attend places of worship, whether they be called church, chapel or mission hall – or assembly, replacing the Word with the codices of Egypt, so that now you have a bloodless gospel, no conviction, no repentance, only the jollification of movements once controlled by Me, but now under the banner of the Emerging Church.


“Instead of bringing up children on the Word of God & the training & nurture of the Lord, endless hours are spent by young people, fighting wars with their computer games; with Western nations, instead of banning this practice, embracing it, so that these wars can go on all over the world.


“A whole generation, instead of being brought up on the Word of God, have been brought up fighting wars on their computers & consoles.


“There is, therefore, wars going on all over the world, & the term ‘cyber war’ has come to the fore. So what Lucifer has done, is build a whole network of war, with computer games, all over the world.


“Within this context, hackers can take over governments, & it has reached the point that it is with those who can handle computers who are fighting these new wars.


“But through this computer era, the people have been betrayed. Information is no longer private. Family members are betraying family members, through what they can find out about each other on the internet. And so, there are cyber wars going on all over the world, with family wars going on, & betrayals; & there is a world a step higher from this. There exist super-search stations, which can find out so much information about people, that nations have become divided against each other. Great institutions are at risk that were set up with a heart of sacrifice. These once-great institutions, like the NHS in Britain, instead of spending its money on bringing health, is constantly defending itself

from the compensation culture, binding itself up with extreme policies & procedures, that they cannot get on to bring in top quality service to its patients in A & E.


“A & E departments are overflowing because of these wars going on. Stress levels are hitting a new record, because the reality is, a kingdom divided against itself cannot stand.


“But there is a small pocket of people who forgive, & love, & preach My Word; not the compromised Word of the Emerging Church, but the old-fashioned gospel with the King James Bible. Conviction, repentance, the blood, warnings of hellfire, are well & truly in the vocabulary of My true Church. They are tiny in number. They are not part of establishment that builds altars made with hands. They do not gather in secret lodge rooms, plotting the good works policies of man, within established Christendom. They do none of this. For this is My Church triumphant.


“And as the path to Megiddo is clearly on, with wars & rumours of wars, it is interesting to note that secular France was overshadowed by events not far from the Megiddo plains. Bodies from the conflagration of France were taken to a little land of the Middle East. Manifesting the cyber war in the natural, men took lives of other men, great focus moving from Europe to a land not far from the plains of Megiddo.


“You see, the armies are gathering around these plains, nations who slaughter their innocents standing strong against terrorism in their own self-righteousness. Terrorists see the hypocrisy & want to take it on. Tensions mount within nations, with the compensation culture destroying once-great institutions, & family life, with nations destroying each other by constantly reporting each other to the legal institutions.


“Thine own ministry has suffered as a consequence of all of this; & so, there are armies gathering around the Megiddo plain. And almost unnoticed by the world, is this remnant Church, unaffected by the commercialism of Christendom. As the Saviour gave His life, so this remnant is prepared to give its life for another. It is standing triumphant in spite of all the attacks against it. This Church, of which the gates of hell cannot prevail, is moving on triumphantly, despite all the attacks against it.


“I tell you, that instead of all the computer games, this Church holds the sword of My Spirit, its Word being blood-bought; & when this Church preaches My Word, great signs & wonders confirm the Word. This Church is walking the heavenly places. It is the Church of no compromise. The true Word is preached. Signs confirm.


“And as the armies gather around Megiddo, this tiny army is ready for the coming of the Lord; & like Noah, is holding out its hand to the lost. This is the Church triumphant, awaiting the coming of the Lord.


“The armies are gathering. The Lord is saying, ‘Come unto Me, all ye who labour & are heavy laden. I will give you rest.’


“The day of the Lord draweth nigh. Be excited; for I come. In this short period of time, bring in the harvest of souls bound up by this end-time apostasy. This is your preparation time. For a short period of time is being given thee, as the devil has reached the people with his cyber wars that mean death; then an even shorter time is being given thee, to reach every creature with the gospel.


“Make haste, therefore, for the might harvest is here, before the great & coming day of the Lord.”





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