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A Great Battle



True Christianity has been under threat since its very inception. Evan Roberts, the Welsh Revivalist in his work War on the Saints, clearly shows the path of the true Christian whilst John Bunyan in The Pilgrims Progress clealy shows the temptation of what he describes as Vanity Fair.


It is this that the “Emerging Church” as it is known has capitalised on. Our chart clearly shows the path of true Christianity and that which “The Emerging Church” has stood! No one can doubt the popularity of the Emerging Church, a popularity firmly place in Luciferian decadence, a decadence sending millions to the Lake of Fire.


Writes David P Griffiths: After witnessing personally during the early 90’s the infiltration of the Romanist Theology into the Elim College and the blasphemous questioning of God’s plan of redemption, it is time for THE REMNANT TO MAKE ITS STAND to TRAVAIL AND INTERCEDE IN THE HEAVENLIES.


It is the TRUE ROCK that we stand not the false Rock as the prophet identified in Deuteronomy. Indeed the Bible declares there are TWO ROCKS, TWO VINES and TWO JESUS’S – THE PROOF:

Deuteronomy 32:28-32 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)


28 For they are a nation void of counsel, neither is there any understanding in them. 29 O that they were wise, that they understood this, that they would consider their latter end! 30 How should one chase a thousand, and two put ten thousand to flight, except their Rock had sold them, and the Lord had shut them up? 31 For their rock is not as our Rock, even our enemies themselves being judges. 32 For their vine is of the vine of Sodom, and of the fields of Gomorrah: their grapes are grapes of gall, their clusters are bitter:


 In a nation that has forsaken God, a nation devoid of counsel we discover that what has occurred in Britain is identical to the one of Ancient Biblical history, the result being exactly the same, the enemies of God making themselves judges against the righteous upholding the immorality and corruption of Sodom rather than embracing the Rock of our Salvation. Then the Vine, there is the Vine of Sodom, a vine bearing no fruit whilst the TRUE VINE has his purified Church without spot nor wrinkle and his branches.


We deal with another Jesus, a Jesus of compromise, a Jesus not of sacrifice but of out and out pleasures even to the point of blaspheming God by taking away his marriage covenant to the world rather than a marriage that bears no fruit.


Such are the laws of nations and such is the norm of “The Emerging Church.”




2 Corinthians 11:4 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)

4 For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him.




Ephesians 5:30-32 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)

30 for we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones. 31 For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh. 32 This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church.




At this time the Brynleigh Studios of the Bible College of Wales have been verbally sold, this coming about after intense prayer in Texas with Drs Cosby and Betty Oliver, founders of Zadok Publications, publishers of many books identifying that there were two priesthoods in the Bible, one of Eli that ministered to each other and one of Zadok that ministered to God.


It is this identification that brought about the founding of our wonderful College founded on the citing of the Solemn League and Covenant in Scotland. This covenant stood against the Priesthood that for centuries has sent precious souls to hell, bound by tradition and priesthood control, a priesthood that cares little for the fact that God has ordained the Royal Priesthood of Believers, washed by the precious blood of the Lamb rather than a conforming to the indulgences, penances and purgatory of the Romanist order.


At Cardoness House (pictured) Rees Howells, the founder of The Bible College of Wales (The Original Vision), not the Romanist sympathising counterfeit at Swansea today, received the vision, the original vision of the Bible College, the Bible College now moving to that place to uphold the passion of the Covenanters that spiritually called Rees Howells to declare referring to Roman Catholicism: The Spirit of God came on me to fight that Church:  it was God's anger in me towards the Church of Rome,  keeping those five hundred million souls in darkness on the Continent and elsewhere.  I entered into a world where fellowship with people was not to count, the only fellowship was with those martyrs who had laid down their lives for the liberty of the Gospel.  When I saw that Deed, (of the Covenanters) the Strength of God came into me and changed my body from clay to steel!"


Since Rees Howells day, the Romanists have increased their hold taking over College after College including AOG, Elim and the very Bible College buildings in Swansea Rees Howells fought so hard to get, for it is the Roman Catholic Church behind what is known as the “Emerging Church”, stealers of the Remnant’s inheritance and blasphemers of the Word.


It is with this heart of Rees Howells Ministers and Faculty Members Brian Mason and Lindsay Griffiths flew during November to USA declaring the victory of the Lord in the Bible Belt state of Kentucky and facing the Emerging Church in Houston Texas.

Hosting us in Louisville, Kentucky were Scott and Sylvia Pearce, trained into ministry through Norman Grubb, Author of Rees Howells Intercessor. Norman too had worked with Dad in the Worldwide Evangelization Crusade that recognized that being crucified with Christ we rise again moving in the faith of the Son of God; Gal. 2:20.


The onward journey to Houston, Texas was hosted by Drs Cosby and Betty Oliver, founders of Zadok Publication clearly setting out the distinction between those of the ministry of Zadok (mentioned in the UK Coronation Service) and those of Eli, who like the ministry of the “Emerging Church” minister to each other.


Writes E M Lindsay Griffiths: Our first few days were spent near Louisville in the beautiful state of Kentucky with Scott & Sylvia Pearce of Christ our Life Ministries, their family and associates. What a blessing it was to live and work in the divine atmosphere of this place where the Living Word is preached, taught and lived out each day! Originating from the immensely deep and powerful teaching of her mentor Norman Grubb, Sylvia’s dynamic messages go out from her own studio, local television, on radio, at conferences and of course via the internet.


We had many opportunities to minister whilst there, including Bible studies both live and via Skype, with teaching on the true signs of revival. Brian Mason recorded a series of three television programmes on signs of true revival, and powerful intercessions took place at:

The government buildings at the historic state capital, Frankfort, concerning a great revival (awakening). For Cane Ridge, KY and Louisville itself, where A B Simpson lived and preached, have seen great awakenings in the past. The intercession established the truth that Kentucky once more is to be a centre of revival which will spread all over the United States.
The government buildings at the historic state capital, Frankfort, concerning a great revival (awakening). For Cane Ridge, KY and Louisville itself, where A B Simpson lived and preached, have seen great awakenings in the past. The intercession established the truth that Kentucky once more is to be a centre of revival which will spread all over the United States.

Two large national seminaries at Louisville: the Presbyterian and the Southern Baptist. Sadly, it was found that the first of these had wandered far from God, even to the extent that a large neo-pagan labyrinth had been built within the grounds and appeared to be used by some students on the day that we were there! The Southern Baptist seminary however preaches salvation and the blood of Jesus Christ shed for us, so the intercession was to bless them, and for greater and more powerful revelation to fall upon them by the Holy Spirit.  

The large Ohio River flows through Louisville, historically dividing the southern from the northern states of the USA. We were led to cross the river into the neighbouring state of Indiana, and for Lindsay Griffiths to sing to the river ‘Spring up, O well’ [Numbers 21: 16-18] in the words of the famous song, There is a River. Revelation came that the deep wound caused to the nation by the carnage of the bitter American Civil War had never been healed. Surely Kentucky was the right place for this spiritual truth to be revealed, for this state was the birthplace of Abraham Lincoln! The current extreme divisions within the USA have clearly exposed this wound, which only the Lord can heal, in this way: His will is for a true Union of ‘One nation under God’ and for this to come about spiritually through the union message exemplified in Galatians 2:20. This is where the teaching of Christ our Life Ministries is crucial for mighty numbers of people to receive and assimilate. We pray that this great-hearted ministry will continue to grow and bear much fruit.



For our final weekend in Kentucky, we travelled with Scott and Sylvia to a conference at Hopkinsville, on the border of the neighbouring state of Tennessee – famous for the country music centre of Nashville, and for its native pioneer and hero of The Alamo, Davy Crockett. The conference venue was the lovely home of Brian and Tandy Coatney, where around 20 believers gathered to hear more teaching on the union message’ of ‘Christ in us, the hope of glory’ and ‘It is no longer I that liveth, but Christ that liveth in me.’ On the Friday evening, Brian C. and Sylvia Pearce taught on these topics.


The next day, powerful messages came from Richard Krupa on Faith, Lindsay Griffiths on Faith worketh by Love, and Brian Mason’s devil-crushing, bondage-breaking message based on I Samuel 2:12-4:22. In this he illustrated the total corruption of the ‘system Church’ of that time led by the sons of Eli, who were ‘sons of Belial; they knew not the Lord.’ Consumed by fleshly lust for power, greed, and sexual immorality, these supposed ‘priests’ did not even know God, let alone serve Him. Finally, the warning prophecies of the unnamed ‘man of God’ and the child Samuel, were fulfilled when both sons of Eli were killed in battle and the Ark taken by the Philistines: ‘Ichabod – the glory is departed.’ Clear and ominous parallels were drawn between these chapters of I Samuel and the ‘system Church’ of today.


Our hosts showed us the local Christian County Community College, where Brian Mason made a powerful intercession against Cultural Marxism worldwide and its pollution of the education system through its off-shoots of ‘political correctness’ and ‘equality and diversity.’  


Later that weekend we were taken to visit Amish and Mennonite country, not far from Hopkinsville – a real delight for us! Our one regret is that this landmark conference was not recorded. With all our hearts we thank Scott and Sylvia, their family and associates, for all their great love and hospitality toward us.

Texas (12th. to 16th. November)



Surely the Lord has done great things during our few days based in Houston, Texas – the fourth largest city in the USA!  We were joyfully and generously hosted by our dear friends Drs. C R and Betty Oliver, whose powerful and high-level ministry embraces evangelism and humanitarian care in many countries, together with an inspirational ministry called Zadok Publications.

 So much happened during our 3 full days and 4 nights there –a perfect example of the verses in Ephesians 5: 15-17,


 ‘See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, Redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is.’


Bearing all this in mind, our dear hosts had arranged a full, exciting and challenging programme for us. Together with their ever-patient and cheerful associate, Portia Sharp, we all travelled to various parts of Houston for intercession, and to the island of Galveston, historic port through which many thousands of immigrants from all nations entered the United States, especially in the 19th. and early 20th. Centuries.


First intercessions were made in the outwardly beautiful and historic part of Houston called Old Town Springs. This was the seat of a former Luciferian ‘Church’ and also a stronghold of people trafficking. Brian Mason powerfully took authority over these most evil infiltrations.

Later that day, a second most important intercession was made through Brian against:

  • The ‘independent self’

  • The Emerging ‘mega-churches

Houston, and indeed the whole State of Texas, are major centres of these hugely wealthy and deceptive ministries. Surely this intercession was the fulfilment of this Word: ‘3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: 4 (for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) 5 casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.’ [II Corinthians 10, verses 3-5]



Perhaps the most exciting yet challenging event was our visit to the island of Galveston (named after its 18th. century Viceroy, Bernardo de Galves), reached by a causeway to the south of Houston.


Known for its surfing, sandy beaches, warm climate and holiday atmosphere, this historic place was less than idyllic in the spirit.


First inhabited by a cannibal tribe American Indians, then by Conquistadores who named it the ‘island of doom’ Galveston became a port through which immigrants from all over Europe passed into the United States in the last two centuries. Spiritually, the island has been affected too for many years by Roman Catholic domination – proven by the Jesuit Cathedral and Bishop’s Palace and by the influence of the Mafia.


On the seafront stands a memorial the 6,000 who died in the great storm of 1900. Beside this landmark, major intercession was made through Brian Mason, taking authority over:


  • Cannibalism

  • The spirit of death caused by the naming of the island ‘doom’

  • The influence of the Mafia and Roman Catholicism.

  • ​

Finally, in line with this intercession and at the same place, Lindsay Griffiths spoke out a prophecy she had been given: ‘Revelations of Rome.’

Divine Appointments:


Our last full day in Texas, and indeed the journey home, were memorable for supernatural gatherings at God-appointed venues. Two pastors, about to launch into a new direction in their ministry as led of the Lord, arrived from San Antonio. From the other end of Texas came a unique saint totally on fire for the Lord, who had been a pupil of the great revivalist Leonard Ravenhill. He is clearly a carrier of His glory, continuing this precious ministry into this generation. As the eight of us gathered there, unbreakable divine connections were made at the highest level, and the most powerful prayers and intercessions came forth.


Truly this is a ministry of tears, birthed and matured through sacrifice, agape love and suffering. This scripture is now being fulfilled concerning the Olivers’ ministry:


‘They that sow in tears shall reap in joy. He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.’


That evening, we were both invited to speak (and sing) at the nearby Generation Church. The message of true revival and the deep calling of the intercessor, powerfully preached by Brian Mason, was eagerly received by those who had gathered. This, too, was a powerful time of prayer and covenant.


We love and bless these wonderful saints of God who so lovingly hosted us, fellowshipped with us, and received our messages so graciously.



One last surprise awaited us, when our flight home was unexpectedly re-routed. We flew direct from Houston to Frankfurt, Germany! Brian Mason had realised some time ago that an intercession had to be done in this country, but no opening had yet occurred. Now was the time! At the airport he prayed for:


  • Restoring true Reformation Christianity to Germany

  • The destruction of the EU.

  • ​

We praise the Lord for all He has done in us and through us during this miraculous time.


Courtesy of Zadok Publications monthly Newsletter come these deep and very relevant words from the great prophet

A W Tozer:

The Loneliness of the Christian

by: A. W. Tozer


The loneliness of the Christian results from his walk with God in an ungodly world, a walk that must often take him away from the fellowship of good Christians as well as from that of the unregenerate world. His God-given instincts cry out for companionship with others of his  kind, others who can understand his longings, his aspirations, his adsorptions in the love of Christ; and because with his circle of friends there are few who share his inner experiences, he's forced to walk alone. The unsatisfied longings of the prophets for human understanding caused them to cry out in their complaint, and even our Lord himself suffered in the same way.


The man (or woman) who has passed on into the divine Presence in actual inner experience will not find many who understand him. He finds few who care to talk about that which is the supreme object of his interest, so he is often silent and preoccupied in the midst of noisy religious shoptalk. For this he earns the reputation of being dull and over-serious, so he is avoided, and the gulf between him and society widens. He searches for the friends upon whose garments he can detect the smell of myrrh and aloes and cassia out of the ivory palaces, and finding few or none, he, like Mary of old, keeps these things in his heart.


It is this very loneliness that throws him back upon God. His inability to find human companionship drives him to seek in God what he can find nowhere else.

Exciting News: Could we be moving to the Land of the Covenanters: where Rees Howells received the vision for the Bible College of Wales and could there be a further Mission House to be built in Sri Lanka?????


Writes David P Griffiths: Has God placed us into position for the hundredfold, having lost riches, houses and families, can it be really true that processes going on at this time are leading to houses, homes, families all over the world reaching every creature with the Gospel? Is the sacrifice really worth it for lost souls?


Our ministry from the ECCTV Ministry Centre in Barry South Wales is growing and growing through Rev Clive Bate in Cardiff too where we have rented ministry offices – is God going to really restore here a ministry as with General Booth that offered the three S’s – SOAP, SOUP AND SALVATION? WE KNOW AND KNOW – Praise God! Looking at Rev Clive’s Dinner Bill after 12 hours of constant work, we know the sacrifice is worth it! Rev Clive’s 80p dinner consisted of A £2.45 SANDWICH REDUCED TO 0.35P; A £1.10 SANDWICH REDUCED TO 0.17P; HUMUS REDUCED TO 0.11P; A SALAD POT REDUCED TO   0.17P TOTAL LAVISH EXPENDITURE 0.80P.




Unlike “The Emerging Church”, our economy is one OF SOULS and not personal wealth!


Matthew 6:19 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)

19 Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: – not personal wealth but the ability to reach every creature:


Mark 10:28-31 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)

28 Then Peter began to say unto him, Lo, we have left all, and have followed thee. 29 And Jesus answered and said, Verily I say unto you, There is no man that hath left house, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my sake, and the gospel’s, 30 but he shall receive an hundredfold now in this time, houses, and brethren, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands, with persecutions; and in the world to come eternal life. 31 But many that arefirst shall be last; and the last first.


THIS FINANCIAL YEAR’S EXISTING COSTS – app £72,000 – 01 05 17 to 30 04 18

17  - 18        £34,528-05 (till end October)

(£1,438-66 weekly over 24 weeks)

16  - 17        £58,617-19

(£1,127-25 weekly over 52 weeks)

15  - 16   £46,467-40   (£893-55 weekly)

14 -  15   £34,661-26   (£666-56 weekly)

13 – 14  £174,460-02 (£3,355-00 weekly)

12 – 13  £311,024-85 (£5,981-24 weekly)

11 – 12  £94,265-20 (£1,812-79 weekly)

10 - 11  £163,134-55 (£3137-20 weekly)


PROFITS AND LOSSES over the years:

13-14             +£46,744-89

14-15             -£17,654-77

15-16             -£15,552-06

16-17             -£6,581-53

17-18             -£8,314-02 to 30 10 17   

Brian Mason, David P & Lindsay Griffiths invite you to give a designated offering for the running of Bible College of Wales – THE ORIGINAL VISION that covers the expenses of the Bible Assemblies, ECCTV.ORG, and the resources required to fulfil the Seven Year Plan.

 By far the easiest way to give is to go to the footer of  & 



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Alternatively you can phone from UK 01492 544451 ext 1; from overseas 0044 1492 544451 ext 1 where card donations can be given. The following information will be asked, and will be treated confidentially. Card Machines today are programmed to ask these questions for security reasons.

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DIRECT DONATIONS via BACS or Internet Banking can be made to this account

THE BIBLE COLLEGE OF WALES: Sort Code – 20 51 23 Account No - 73315290


Cheques may be written to BIBLE COLLEGE OF WALES and forwarded to the Brynleigh Studios – address following.

LCMI Ministries is U.K. registered charity (Charity Commission No. 1065192) supporting the ministries of the Bible College of Wales – THE ORIGINAL VISION’ ECCTV.ORG, Pentecostal Holiness Church Continuing, Constitution Keepers and the Bible Assemblies.


There is a board of trustees (Feb 2020) : David and Lindsay Griffiths, Barry Trayhorn, Haroon Masih, Brian Mason, Ravinder Singh, Suresh Ramachandran.



UK Tel. 01492 544451; Overseas Tel. 0044 1492 544451; E.Mail:


November Ministry Activity Report - To All the World


Brian Mason & David P Griffiths: Saturday 25th. November at Putnoe, Bedford – Meeting organized by Minister Ishwar Singh – DEEPER LIFE CONFERENCE – The True Christian Walk – Great meeting led of the Holy Ghost exposing the new accommodation Gospel and how different it was to Biblical Christianity, the new form being supported and backed by Romanism – the antichrist that has been controlling for far too long!


Saturday 26th. November at Heston Asian United Reformed Church, Hounslow, London organized by Ministers Noble Samuel & Sohail. Again with emphasis on the Deeper Life to an audience not only in the URC Heston, but worldwide on THE BIBLE TV.


Cambridgeshire Intercessions during November 2017




UK Tax Payers (Gift Aid Claim) may give offerings at

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Cheques to "BIBLE COLLEGE OF WALES" & posted to 25, George Street, Whithorn, Wigtownshire, DG8 8NS

Tel. 01492 544451; 07542 565415; 07542 565416; 07542 565417;  E.Mail.

FINANCIAL YEAR OF THE MINISTRY: 1st May 2024 to 30 April 2025

31 01 25 amount in (un-audited as yet) = £38,277-50; $47,468-32; 46,000-94 EURO

We are praising the Lord for his vision for a required million pounds to really make progress with the "Imminency" Programme "reaching every creature" to populate heaven, de-populate hell.

LCMI Trust is England & Wales registered charity

(England & Wales Charity Commission No. 1065192 –

Also registered in Scotland - Scottish Registration SC048778)

To Reach Every Creature.........To Reach Every Creature........To Reach Every Creature



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