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2017 Prophecies

Word from the Lord through Lindsay Griffiths, 04/01/17

“For the Weapons of our Warfare are not Carnal,

but Mighty to the Pulling down of Strongholds”


“You see how My kingdom works? By empowering My servants, My ministers of flaming fire coming down from heaven, to dwell in the hearts of all believers?


“I foresee all that is to happen. I dwell in the hearts of all true believers. I release the fire, the true fire of the Spirit, against all that is not of Me. The unrepentant, who have truly sold their lives that they might live on earth the way that Satan commands, full of fleshly lusts & earthly glory, will die in their sins. There is no repentance in many, for their hearts are hardened & they have returned like a sow to wallow in the mud, like a dog to its vomit. Woe to such! They have trampled My Word in the mire, & actively looked to destroy My kingdom.


“But My kingdom, as with My weapons, is not of this world & cannot be thwarted or overcome. Those that have chosen My way & have not relented from it or turned away, are Mine for ever & ever. No fire of the enemy can touch them – not the false fire of Dathan & Abiram, the eldest sons of Aaron the high priest; not the false ‘holy spirit’ which that represents. The rebellion of Korah, who set himself up ‘like the most High,’ was also directed at Moses the prophet – but they were at once swallowed up.


“Yet My mercy is infinite, as when I created the bronze serpent, or when I sent Aaron to stand between the living & the dead & to stay the plague.


“You see, My way is to save, heal & deliver – My perfect way. But mark this, & mark it well: for some, who have been offered the riches of My kingdom & then willingly returned to the world, there may be permanent damnation – the sword of judgement that pierces the soul.


“That is why I ask you to pray forgiveness on your enemies, that some may be released from the pit of hell that awaits the unrepentant.


“You see, David forgave Saul & lifted not his own hand against him. He knew that ‘vengeance is Mine – I will repay,’ saith the Lord. For ever My Word is settled in heaven, & I will save whom I will save, as the Risen & Glorious Lord Jesus Christ, Saviour of the world.


“To those who love & obey My Word, who willingly bow the knee, I say ‘Come & behold Me, My glory, My jewels of which you are part.’


“It is a hard life to walk, to the uttermost, as you My children have undoubtedly found. But to fear Me is to love Me. To obey Me is to trust Me. To honour Me is to glorify Me. I will always be at your side in your earthly walk. I am your guide & your shepherd in every darkness, every circumstance. My plans are perfect since the foundation of the world & before. Never fear to speak My words & walk My walk in these the last days. Wonders & great signs will appear in the sky & in the heavens & on the earth. I will seek the lost as never before, for the time is short before My return. To be on the earth & follow Me at this time is hard, but great miracles are at hand. Just ‘seek ye first the kingdom of God & His righteousness, & all these things shall be added unto you.’


“Increasingly the earth shall unfold before you as you seek My face. I will show thee great & wonderful things, signs & wonders over all the earth. You will walk in great victory as your enemies flee before you. This shall be because My weapons are not carnal. Many great strongholds shall fall, as they did with David of old. He was a warrior & a forerunner as you are. Constant warfare followed his way. I loved him because his heart was pure. I turned many to him s to stand with him. Those from the Cave of Adullam were faithful to the end – once he emerged from the Cave as king.

“You see, My way is a hard way, a narrow way – but you come forth as gold. Even Job knew this, & rejoiced, & great was his end on this earth.


“I have plans to prosper you in My kingdom. Who can stand against the foe without My full armour of light? ‘The people that dwelt in darkness have seen a great light.’ I am the true Light, & My children of Light overcome the darkness.

“Carry My glory & be the light of the world. As I was on the earth, so are ye light, life, health & peace to all who seek to know Me & My glory shall never depart.


“Ichabod is rife in so-called churches. Fear not; I know the end from the beginning & I will bring it to pass.”


The Dream [As given to Lindsay Griffiths 09/01/17]


“I was in a town nearby – had slept in that morning so did not remember to bring my diary. I was not very ‘smartly’ dressed & knew I was supposed to be at some training course somewhere else – but where?


“At that point, I met up with a very nice group of NHS workers who said ‘Why don’t you come along with us on our rounds & see how we work?’ I gladly accepted – a training course with a difference!


“Two of the team were specialist nurses in the community wearing new, different uniforms. Another was a paramedic, dressed in the usual green. I went with them to their first calls – to people with special needs, in supported living units. The first house had 3 lads in there, one of whom was also physically disabled. I was very moved by the love & care they showed to each other; one lad was helping the disabled one to get into the shower.


“The second call was very different. This was a young man who was more disabled in his body than anyone I had ever seen before. He seemed to do all sorts of strange ‘tricks’ with his sadly misshapen physique. One of his eyes kept falling out, & also his bowel. ‘I can’t watch this!’ I shouted as I closed my eyes.


“The third visit was to a beautiful, very large farm deep in the countryside. The farmer & his wife were quite young, & had 3 children. They were all Welsh-speaking & the farm was happy & prosperous, traditional, yet inside the house was very ‘hi-tech’ with a big toy train going round the children’s bedroom walls, accompanied by a big 3-D screen showing the countryside through which the train was journeying.


“Everyone was now very friendly, having found that they knew many of the same people I knew & that some originated from Colwyn Bay. They asked about our craft business/shop & were giving us several product orders for jewellery etc.


“When I arrived back home again, I kept finding beautiful presents around – gifts I had been given but had forgotten where they were. Some were beautifully wrapped – all were useful. Then the telephone rang. It was the Welsh farmer, with a voice of authority. ‘This is D P A Davies,’ he said. I want to give you an order.’ He have a list of items he wanted to order from us. Then I knew we had ‘cracked it’ because he was a key member of the Welsh-speaking community – barriers had come down.”




LCM Trading Company is, in the Spirit, the continuation of Highland Craftworld which was dedicated to the Lord & His work all those years ago in Inverness. The Trading Company is about to prosper – great orders will come in.



Before this can come about, preparations must be completed as follows:


  1. DG & BM must travel to Ireland where BM should intercede at or near ‘Duffy’s Bar’ near Dublin Airport, to close the breach (other end of Inverness intercession).

  2. DG etc. must renew contacts throughout Sri Lanka etc. for production of goods

  3. DG must produce a product catalogue.

Word from the Lord to Lindsay Griffiths, 14/05/17

During a Meeting to Discuss the New Season


“Mountains shall be moved & rivers flow through thy ministry [=revival: see Isaiah 64]. The things of earth shall grow strangely dim, & the foundations made by flesh shall melt away. “Lo! Here he is,” say those that follow the way of the flesh. False prophets & apostles shall arise along the way, so tread carefully with your eyes upon the Lord. He [Isaiah 58] shall guide thee continuously as the Saviour of thy soul, chief Shepherd of the flock. Never shall you lack Him as your guide, even through the valley of the shadow of death.


“For there has been a move of the enemy to bring death & hell – yet I have saved thee to the uttermost & shall keep thee from falling. Lo! I am with thee always even to the end of the age.


“The weapons of thy warfare are not carnal, but mighty to the pulling down of strongholds. I am the captain of the host – Jesus – keep marching on in the strength of the Lord. The enemy fears the footsteps of the army of the Lord & His bloodstained banner is over all. Nothing & no one can defeat the foe except My army, moving as one in Me.


“Be ye therefore very strong & courageous. Be ye holy as I am holy & move at My command. Protect the rear-guard – I will give you the strategies – as well as going before you to prepare the way. Your ministry of end-time Elijah + John the Baptist, preparing the way of the Lord as He promises to come again soon.


“Call ye, call ye upon me & ye will see miracles, as at the crossing of the Jordan, as when you proved Me in the word to you on this forthcoming election. I will provide, I will make a way in the desert. Hear My words now in this time as I open the waters before thee. I have brought thee into a new season of fruitfulness, bringing forth fruit in your season, the season of the coming of the Lord in all power & glory.


“Be ready & prepared to go wherever I send you, for I know the end from the beginning. I am the Lord: I change not, therefore ye are not consumed. Behold, the days are near when I am coming soon.


Word from the Lord through Lindsay Griffiths, 11/07/17


“Look to the way forward. Lo! I come quickly, on the clouds descending in the air. Be ready to move when & where I am calling you. The Church is beheaded when it takes unnatural ‘marriage’ between man & man, woman & woman, to be as normal. I speak here of Christ & the Church, the holy bride of Christ – pure, unspotted & saved from all iniquity.

“The tentacles of evil stretch out in every direction, to suck in & destroy the life in the Word. They ridicule the ways of the righteous, mock at & scorn the true people of a holy God. They are as bottomless pits, each one filled to the brim with iniquity.


“Do ye not know, the hand of God is stretched out in fury upon this world? That thy God is an angry & furious Lord, raging at the filth & squalor upon the earth? For the deeds of man are always evil when they shut Me out of their squalid & godless lives – existences only.


“The go from evil to evil, from defeat to defeat. Stay at My side, My children, & I will lead you, take you by the hand, to the greatest victory since the worlds began. For I AM the God of all creation, & I will avenge the blood of the saints o’er all the earth. Yes My children – you cry out ‘How long? How long, O Lord, till vengeance comes on the earth? Slaughter, famine, pestilence & sword far greater than ever before, come upon the earth. Only look, for it shall not come night thee. Only look & behold My vengeance that is coming already upon the earth.


“Where their worm dieth not nor fire is quenched…”

End-time Travailers Prophecy 1 (through Lindsay Griffiths), 12/09/17




Psalm 127

Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it:
except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.
2 It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the bread of sorrows:
for so he giveth his beloved sleep.

3 Lo, children are an heritage of the Lord:
and the fruit of the womb is his reward.
4 As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man;
so are children of the youth.
5 Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them:
they shall not be ashamed,
but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate.


Psalm 128


1 Blessed is every one that feareth the Lord;
that walketh in his ways.
2 For thou shalt eat the labour of thine hands:
happy shalt thou be, and it shall be well with thee.
3 Thy wife shall be as a fruitful vine by the sides of thine house:
thy children like olive plants round about thy table.
4 Behold, that thus shall the man be blessed
that feareth the Lord.
5 The Lord shall bless thee out of Zion:
and thou shalt see the good of Jerusalem all the days of thy life.
6 Yea, thou shalt see thy children’s children,
and peace upon Israel.


Zechariah 5


 Then I turned, and lifted up mine eyes, and looked, and behold a flying roll. 2 And he said unto me, What seest thou? And I answered, I see a flying roll; the length thereof is twenty cubits, and the breadth thereof ten cubits. 3 Then said he unto me, This is the curse that goeth forth over the face of the whole earth: for every one that stealeth shall be cut off as on this side according to it; and every one that sweareth shall be cut off as on that side according to it. 4 I will bring it forth, saith the Lord of hosts, and it shall enter into the house of the thief, and into the house of him that sweareth falsely by my name: and it shall remain in the midst of his house, and shall consume it with the timber thereof and the stones thereof.


Ezekiel 8: 7-12


7 And he brought me to the door of the court; and when I looked, behold a hole in the wall. 8 Then said he unto me, Son of man, dig now in the wall: and when I had digged in the wall, behold a door. 9 And he said unto me, Go in, and behold the wicked abominations that they do here. 10 So I went in and saw; and behold every form of creeping things, and abominable beasts, and all the idols of the house of Israel, pourtrayed upon the wall round about. 11 And there stood before them seventy men of the ancients of the house of Israel, and in the midst of them stood Jaazaniah the son of Shaphan, with every man his censer in his hand; and a thick cloud of incense went up. 12 Then said he unto me, Son of man, hast thou seen what the ancients of the house of Israel do in the dark, every man in the chambers of his imagery? for they say, The Lordseeth us not; the Lord hath forsaken the earth.




“The inheritance of the saints in light is twofold: to be with Me, to reign with Me in glory; & to set free all those in bondage of Satan upon the whole earth.


“See! I made the heavens & the earth; & I made man in My image, fearfully & wonderfully made, higher than the angels in their closeness to Me; spirit beings, made flesh. Adam was this, & so was My Son when He came to earth as a little baby.


“He knows the terror on the earth. Satan tries to kill all such new-borns, even before birth, even before conception. It is NOT by My desire that any of these little ones should perish, but that they should be the fruit of the vine – twice-born, in the world & into My kingdom.


“I weep constantly over the abortions – broken dreams, broken lives. Read My psalms, written through My prophet David. Read what it says about marriage & family life, in Psalms 127 & 128. Where is the fruit of the womb in these last days? Lo! Children are a reward, precious fruit to be nurtured, treasured & grown to maturity in My name! Where is the nurture & admonition of the Lord? Where is the wisdom of the book of Proverbs, written for the training of children & the protection of marriage & the family?


“You see, I am a God of order. I ordered the stars in their course, to lead & to guide. I ordered the mountains, as around Jerusalem – for you to behold, whence cometh thy help. I set the planets in the sky, the heavens, in order. I set the trees, birds, flowers, hedgerows for your delight. I feed & water the earth. I nourish thy flocks & bring the harvest. None of this has changed. But man? He has sold out to Satan, to kill, steal & destroy. My precious family which I made in My image, as Christ & the Church, is in ruins.


“I tell you now: nothing is hid from the prophets of God, & I will tell thee that thou will prosper & be in health as the Israelites in Egypt were, but curses are spread out upon the earth, as the scroll of curses in Zechariah, & I will not go back in My anger at the corruption of crawling, creeping things in every land (Ezekiel 8).


“Be bold to declare My Word. Do not go back. See with My eyes, feel with My heart, show compassion to My lambs, the poor & needy, but be relentless to My foes, the foe.


“Be prepared for famine & fire to come upon the earth. They have sown the wind, & reaped the whirlwind. These hurricanes are a whirlwind, but more, far worse, is to come.


“Look up! & see My salvation. For I am merciful to the poor & needy, those crushed under the heel of Satan. But I am without mercy to those who knowingly & willingly defy Me & My laws of life & not death.



Word from the Lord through Lindsay Griffiths, 16/09/17

On the train to Oxford!


“Whenever you hear Me call, I am at hand & will give you every word you need to say. Only be strong, vigilant & very courageous. Be aware of the enemy at every turn – but be not afraid, for I am with you & will turn this to My glory.


“The world is passing away, but My Words shall never pass away. In Me is stability, a calm sea, starry night & liberty. Be not tossed around in the storm of strife, conflicting dogmas & doctrines, & every device of the enemy. The world is passing away – all who love the world & its ways are passing into an eternity in hell. Pray for & reach the lost. Seek My face always. Stay calm in the face of fear & intimidation & all the works of darkness. A defeated foe arises from the pit of hell to bring this darkness. But no darkness can ever quench My light, the light of the glorious gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.


“Therefore be calm; quench not the spirit but seek ye first the kingdom of God & His righteousness & all the fruit of the Spirit will be added unto you.


“My peace is ever with you. The world is passing away. I make all things new, as I did at the beginning. Reach out – reach the lost, the hurting & the dying.


“For of such is the kingdom of heaven.”

Word from the Lord through Lindsay Griffiths, 23/09/17


“Whenever you hear Me call, do not hesitate – for My glory, My covering wings of protection, are all around thee.


“Hesitate not, for in the words of a human heart, ‘He who hesitates, is lost.’ The time is at hand, the time for the end of all things, when I will return from on high in the way I first left it – but in power & glory, with ‘thousand thousand saints attending’ to ‘swell the glory of My train.’


“The love I have given thee for thy brethren in the Lord, is My love, the ‘love that wilt not let thee go.’ Thou hast a ministry of song, sweet sweet songs from My heart, saith the Lord. Use it to build up & to bring My heavenly presence, ‘heaven on earth,’ the high places of the earth are thine. I shall & will do the impossible through My sons of light. The light shall increase to even greater strength amid the darkness of an ever-darkening world.  


The traps & snares of the enemy are more than ever before. Few they be that find them & spring them without being caught in them. Perishing souls are ensnared on every side. They do not see the enemy’s ambushes in the darkness.


“But ye walk in the light – ‘When we walk with the Lord, in the light of His Word, what a glory He sheds on our way.’ So be careful to walk My narrow way for it is a way of safety, peace & security in Me. ‘The Lord is my Shepherd’ - Psalm 23 this way perfectly. Even in the shadow of death, even in the presence of thy foes – you have experienced all these things – fear none ill for I am always with you on the paths of righteousness.


“I am filling you even now, refreshing you with the water of life, My Holy Spirit. Drink deeply My child. For the way is hard through the wilderness, which your country has become – a dry & barren place where no water is.


“But ye are a chosen people, My chosen vessels filled with the living waters of My Spirit.

“Be ye strong – lean on Me – on the everlasting arms My presence - & you will never lack.

[About the house situation]


“Only stand still & see the salvation of the Lord. For My yoke is easy, & My burden is light.”


“Behold My face – for I am coming soon, with all the angels at My command. It was not My time to summon them, when I was nailed to the cross. My Father’s will was done then – salvation full & free. But now, I am coming on the clouds with thousands in attendance, in My full power & glory, to the earth.


“Behold, the day of the Lord comes nigh. Repent, & believe the gospel.”


[Acts 2; Isaiah 35; Matthew 7:18; Mark 1:15; Deuteronomy 28].

Word from the Lord through Lindsay Griffiths, 24/09/17



Isaiah 55, especially verses 6-7.




“He who hesitates is lost, as I said in My word to you yesterday. I will make, indeed have made thee, fishers of men in the stormy sea of the last days. Go out, launch out, into the deep waters by My Spirit & I will harvest with thee – by thy side, just as Jesus in earth was on the boat, the storm-tossed boat, with the disciples, Simon Peter & John & all the others who followed Him because they were called & chosen.


“You love Me because I first loved you, & carved out in you My tender heart through times of sorrow & suffering & agonies of soul. This is the way: walk ye in it & be not lured by the moaners, murmurers & complainers in whom there is no compassion - & none of My Spirit. They are dried up like sticks, & broken off the vine. They can do nothing without Me. Neither can thee – but the difference is that you know this truth. Even I, when on the earth, depended completely on My Father in heaven, for all things. That is why I gave thee My Comforter, the Paraclete, the Holy Ghost, to be thy companion & lead you into all truth.


“Hold fast to My anchor; stand firm in the storms of life that will continue to batter thee but thou art stood upon thy Rock & thy Fortress, thy Strong Deliverer, thy High Tower, in the words of David My psalmist. Seek Me every day with all of thine heart & I will fill every part of thy body, mind & spirit to the full. Am I not all the fullness of the Godhead bodily? Am I not the Prince of Life, the Prince of Peace [Isaiah 9], the way, the truth & the life?


“Pray for the people of Islam, who have lost their way & angry & hurting. Pray for them. Do not hate them, for they know not what they do, as I said on the cross. It is hard to forgive when you are on the cross, but with God, all things are possible.


“Inherit the earth, My children of light. All the earth is thine, for I have given it to thee in My Word “The meek shall inherit the earth.” Use it for My glory. Love it – My creation – but do not worship it. Till the earth, until spring-time & harvest cease [My promise to Noah Genesis 8:22]. Keep watch over My little ones, men & beast, birds, flowers, trees & fish. Love them & care for them tenderly, for all that I make is good. Resist not the evil one in thine own strength, but wait for My words of life & My timings, for I will always give thee strategies to overcome this wily foe.


“Stand firm. Be not led astray by any deceit, but be clear & precious jewels in My sight.


“Work with the Asians, for I am restoring through them all My riches in glory. Love them, pray for them, lean on the everlasting arms. Heal the wounded, comfort the dying, as when you were in the wars of Sri Lanka. Hesitate not! Move at My command. Listen for My instructions. Be ready to move at My command. Whatever I tell you, do. And the God of all comfort shalt be with you wherever you go.


“Shake the dust of thy feet, where there is rejection. For where they resist & revile you, they do it unto Me. While I am with you before My return on the earth, you have My sincere & loving protection – so nothing to fear, for it shall not come nigh thee!” [Psalm 91]


[Wars & rumours of war etc. – Matthew 24]


“So, be strong in the Lord & in the power of His might. Through Him, resist the powers of darkness & they will flee headlong into the sea, like the swine of Gadara.


“All for now.”


Malachi 2, especially verse 5.

Word (2) from the Lord through Lindsay Griffiths, 24/09/17


“The mighty wind of My Spirit, a mighty rushing wind, is blowing in this place the nations; blowing, calling, sweeping away the sands of time, the strategy of devils to steal, kill & destroy, to drive people to destruction.


“Hold fast, hold still, repent of turning away. My vastness of My kingdom of everlasting love, is so near, the time is so near of My return to the earth. The faith I find on the earth in these last days, will stand tall & strong as never before. For you will have to depend on Me as never before, & thus ye shall be sanctified & set apart, never to be defiled with the mark of the beast, the mark of corruption, the way that leads to death, & not life.


“Be ye sanctified, pure & spotless as My holy Bride the end-time Church. The way of salvation is ever the same – allow Me to cleans you in the inner parts [Psalm 51] – no secrets must be between & among you, but perfect trust, perfect love, perfect transparency, perfect commitment to the way of the cross.


“The cross before me, the world behind me” must be your cry. Forget the past – you cannot go back. Go forward, looking up to Me, the author & perfecter of your faith.


“I will build, I will shelter, preserve, restore the years of the locust & the cankerworm. Remember: your earthly lives are but a sliver of time in the face of an eternity with Me & My saints. Choose wisely, choose well – choose Me & My ways. For all My ways are peace & My burden light.


“You are warned now: do not despise the day of small things, for now I am launching you out into the deep. Trust Me & let down your nets for they are even now being filled with souls.


“Do not linger by the shore – I will come to you on the waters. All is well. Trust & obey Me at all times.


“Oceans of love are mine.


“Fare thee well.



Word from the Lord through Lindsay Griffiths, 25/09/17

“What a Friend we have in Jesus”; “Trust & Obey”; & “The Old Rugged Cross”


“My spirit of Prayer is calling you, My child. Listen, & go with the flow of My intercessions, My spirit of prayer over the whole earth.


“I am calling thee, calling thee, gently & tenderly to My bosom, to lie on My breast & share My love for the world, as My beloved apostle John did at My redemption feast, the Last Supper.


“Defeated is the foe; the enemy is grounded on the earth & he has to flee before thee, empowered & anointed as you are, fully armed against the foe. My armour of light protects My warriors, My end-time hand-maidens, from all the works of darkness. The night has gone, the day is come, for My believers. Walk in My light, by My revelation. For nothing, nothing, absolutely nothing can confound thee or divert thee from the way, the truth & the life.


“I AM that I AM. You are standing on holy ground. This house is holy ground. My saints tread on holy ground. Cursed is the foe that mocks & abuses thee. I have built a house for thee – houses – a mansion in heaven, yes, but on the earth My palaces where My righteous ones may dwell in peace, without disturbances of ravening wolves, the ‘little foxes’ that ruin the vineyard.


“Even now, there are still places of My peace & rest. Claim them by intercession, as thou hast already accomplished. The sacred ground of the martyrs for my faith is free for thee to dwell in. This ground is un-polluted by the world.


“I weep over this weary old world. Many of the saints have grown old, but are faithful to follow Me. Yet others have fallen away; as in the parable of the sower, as it is even in these days. Lift the fallen up to Me; build up, exhort, encourage, make straight the crooked paths. Bring liberty to the captives in every place you go, where I send you.


“Fear not: only be strong & it will all come to pass in My timing. For I am the Lord of time & space. My will is done on earth as in heaven, by My obedient saints.



Word from the Lord through Lindsay Griffiths, 26/09/17


“Harvest at My command, & I will bring it to pass. The nations are waiting, ready to be saved before the marriage supper of the Lamb. Be ye holy, even as I am holy. Keep away from strange fire, strange flesh. Away with them to the pit of hell, a smoking, burning place where the flesh is singed. It stinketh almost to heaven – putrefying, sordid, the smell of death & not life.


“Behold! Lift your eyes to the sky & you will see Me coming on the clouds in glory; & I will raise thee up with Me, seated with Me in heavenly places by My Spirit. Stay high above the things of earth – they are not for thee, for they are passing away before your eyes. Waste no time – the coming of the Lord is shortly to take place & none can change this. Tarry not, but be doing My Word before ye are caught up to glory at My coming.


“Be bold! I will strengthen thee in the inner man. Do not faint. Thou art My end-time harvesters. The fruit is great, but ye are few in number but the increase is coming to pass. Turn & you will see it. Do not sleep at harvest time. My will is to be done.”

Word from the Lord through Lindsay Griffiths, 28/09/17


“Furthermore, endeavour to be strong in the Lord, to meet My need for end-time intercessors & prayer warriors. Beneath the heavens, the whole world lies in the arms of the wicked one; the conspiracy of lies of the devil grows every day like a veil upon the earth, blotting out the true light of the world.


“Only ye, My children, can pierce this veil & tear it in twain to let in the true light of My gospel. The veil lies most thickly over My people Israel. In the Temple, the veil was rent in twain upon My finished work on the cross. Rebellion against My Word has returned the veil upon the eyes of unbelievers. Even much of My so-called end-time Church is veiled in secrecy & empty ritual. When secrecy exists, sin abounds & the works of darkness are shrouded in sin. But when the truth is spoken, all darkness is exposed & destroyed, never to return.


“This is where My intercessor is strong in Me: to expose the works of darkness & unveil the wickedness in high places. Expose evil deceit & lies. They are everywhere in these last days. That is why true believers are being isolated & shamed with false accusations: to keep them from discovering the truth! But when My people are        & ostracized from the workplace, they become even stronger in the Lord – for they no longer have anything to lose!


“Behold My Word [Luke 6:22-23] & rejoice therefore.

22 Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man's sake.

23 Rejoice ye in that day, and leap for joy: for, behold, your reward is great in heaven: for in the like manner did their fathers unto the prophets.


“When the false doctrines & lies of deceit are revealed by My Spirit of prayer & praise, to the prophets & apostles of God, then the antichrist is a defeated & discovered foe. Hence the Bible College of Wales I have set up through you. As a light upon a hill, it can not be hid from view.”

[Matthew 5: 14-16]

Word from the Lord through  Lindsay Griffiths, 30/09/17


“Behold, I am with thee always, even unto the end of the world - & beyond, saith the Lord. I am an exit, a doorway to life, from the sins, evil & turmoil of this world. I AM the resurrection & the life. I make all things new. The earth is My footstool, & heaven is My throne, where I dwell forever with the saints in glory.


“Grieve not, My child, for the things of wastefulness & barrenness. Vengeance is Mine: I will repay, saith the Lord. Thy substance was not hid from Me (Psalm 139) not even in thy mother’s womb & even before that time. I am thy true likeness; for now, thou art in Me & I in you, for evermore.


“Look not to earthly comforts, but lean ye on My everlasting arms, where no trouble is. [‘Leaning on the Everlasting Arms’].


“Speak the truth today, from your heart, saith the Lord, & all will be well.”

Word from the Lord through Lindsay Griffiths, 07/10/17


“The heavens are My throne & the earth if My footstool. Forever I will reign on high. Yet My people have forsaken Me, the fountain of living waters, & hewed for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water. Forever My Word is settled in heaven; yet symbols, secret signs, false oath-swearers & traitors abound; perjurers who swear falsely, oath-breakers & those who take My name in vain.


“False scriptures abound, & false teachers, spies & infiltrators who despise My Word & mock My people.


“What is to be the end of these things? Destruction & death follow on the heels of deception. Treachery always ends in violence.


“My vengeance is swift. In these last days upon the earth, sin is everywhere. It always was, but as in the days of Noah, so it will be before the coming of the Son of Man.”

Word from the Lord through Lindsay Griffiths, 12/10/17


“Pray for the peace of Jerusalem – speak ye comfortable to Israel. I have cleansed & healed My flock & made them one: Jew & Gentile, bond & free, one body, one faith, one Spirit, the Spirit of God the Creator, King of Heaven & earth.

“Therefore they chose a king of flesh & not spirit – to be as the others round about. Big mistake, for so they rejected Me. Be ye sanctified anew this day, as in the days of Hezekiah. For he saw that the Lord does not look on the outward appearance & the empty rituals of man – only on the heart.


“Amos & Joel said ‘Rend your hearts & not your garments’ & return to Me with all of your hearts, & I will set you free.

“Your heart was touched by all the people rejected, despised, bound by the devices of the enemy. But all My people have left My synagogue – My coming together - & followed after the flesh, eating things sacrificed to idols, worshipping the things of the flesh, even other men & women whom they call ‘celebrities.’ What about the celebrating of your Lord, to whom every knee shall bow?


“What about the sacrifice He alone made, the atoning blood of the Lamb, slain from the foundation of the world? What about the harvest of souls, awaiting the return of their Lord? ‘Thousand thousand saints adore thee,’ goes the hymn. Saints around the throne of God, worshipping Him for evermore.


“Sanctify thyselves this day. Harden not your hearts, for this suffering & privation is a temporary thing, sent by Me to try & test you. Ye shall come forth like gold, pure & shining & tested to the limit to withstand these dark days of persecution, famine & the sword.


“Many will come in My name. false idols abound, treachery is all around. It is like the Slough of Despond in My story. One step off the path & you are lost – even for eternity.


“Be heartened by My words: I will never fail thee not forsake thee. Hasten ye to do My will. There is not much time before I return & I would have My people ready to receive Me with joy & boundless thanks-giving.

“There is a joy in My heart too because I am coming for My precious Bride. Stay true, pure & faithful & un-spotted by the world. I am ever with thee – only look up & be ye saved.


“Pray for the family of God – every tribe & nation for that is what I have given thee on thy heart. Love them with an everlasting love; draw them with My loving-kindness, better than life. The harvest is so precious, the harvest of souls into the light of My countenance.


“For I will smile upon them with healing in My wings. Be ready to watch & pray & do not be distracted by the things of the world. They will grow strangely dim as you are stayed on Me.”

Word from the Lord to Lindsay Griffiths, 13/10/17


“All over this world, saith the Lord, I have My people, My heavenly host, seated with Me in heavenly places & feasting at the table of My Word.


“I brought them to My banqueting table & My banner over them is love.


“Beneath the host of My priests & Levites who soar with Me in heavenly places, I have set others who are rich in mercy, truth & peace. They are comforted by My Word & My presence. They rejoice & encourage them-selves in the ways of their God. There is no going back for them; they have decided to follow Jesus.


“This is My remnant: faithful & true as I am, who will survive great persecution & famine & still come out in victory. Others shall fall at their side in vast numbers – but they will be in My heavenly armour, & in heavenly places with Me, far above all principality & power. Singleness of heart, singleness of purpose, is theirs. Unique saints, made to fulfil My purposes before they go to glory, they are scattered across the earth like a sowing of seed bearing great fruit of end-time revival before the coming of the Lord.


“Reach out to each other & link up in My name, as a golden chain of command across the earth & you will sweep all before you in victory!


“Be ye holy as I am holy, & move only at My Word so that you stay at My side, strong & protected in Me.”

Word from the Lord through Lindsay Griffiths, 18/10/17


“Go with My blessing today, My child. Go in victory. Go in strength. For where I AM, ye are also. Nothing can come against you & stand, as long as you are in Me & I in thee.


Wherever the enemy comes against you in mind or body or feelings & emotions, sanctify yourself. Be ye washed in My Word & led by My spirit & the enemy cannot come near thee.


“Sanctify yourselves (Joshua 3:5), & tomorrow I will do wonders among you.”


 [N.B. This is the reason we & others e.g. Asians in Oxford have not yet seen wonders in meetings of the sort seen in A A Allen’s ministry – need first to be sanctified!]

Word from the Lord through Lindsay Griffiths, 26/12/17

 [Scripture for Prayer: Psalm 91]


“Revival cometh, saith the Lord, through brokenness: broken hearts, broken lives of those who have given their all to Me, till there is no more to give.


“Loving hearts, who have enthroned Me, God who is love, in the very centre of their beings – who move as Me, with My compassion to see souls saved, healed & delivered; who have laid all on the altar & seen their flesh lives, & all they had & were, burned away; who are constantly on fire for Me, to seek who are the lost, to return the ways of the Lord to a lost & hurting world; who are prepared to pay the price of preparing the way of the Lord, an highway for our God & King [Isaiah 40].


“Few are they that find it, the precious gift, the treasure that is found only through suffering, through seeking the way of the Lord, the highway of holiness. Heavy & hard is the price to be paid – but yet, Jesus has already paid it – we but follow in His footsteps.


“SANCTIFIED are those who have followed the way of the Cross, who have been through the Garden, who have agonized to the point of death & risen again in righteousness. RARIFIED is the pure air of heaven that they breathe, even as they still walk the earth, high above every principality & power, walking in My life & victory, yet dying every day to all flesh.”



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