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Mark 16:15-20 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)

15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. 16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. 17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; 18 they shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. 19 So then after the Lord had spoken unto them, he was received up into heaven, and sat on the right hand of God. 20 And they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen.

Life Changing Ministries International Church South Cheshire Trust

Charity Commission No. 1065192

Scotland – OSCR Registration No. SCO48778


The Bible College of Wales

Original Vision

Antioch Christian Resource Bureau

& ECCTV.ORG Studios

25, George Street, Whithorn, Wigtownshire, DG8 8NS

Tel. 01492 544451; 07542 565415;

07542 565416; 07542 565417


International Mission House 1

c/o Mount Carmel Ministries International,
PO Box 81, Kandy, Sri Lanka.
0094 77 1231420; E Mail:

Year 2021-22: Annual Report

Year 25: 01 May 2021 to 30 April 2022:

presented by David P. Griffiths on 18th. October 2022



Trustees believe that it is important to give a clear, open and transparent understanding in our annual report, be it that activity is revelation led, understanding of the Charity therefore needing to come by revelation too in line with the British Constitutional Acts that emphasize the Spiritual before the Temporal.


There is one thing higher than Royalty: and that is religion, which causes us to leave the world, and seek God.
Queen Elizabeth I




David P Griffiths

E M Lindsay Griffiths

Brian Mason (now deceased)

Pamela Masih

Council of Reference

Dr Cosby Oliver


Our Professional Team: LCMI’s books have been audited by Ms Zoe Davenport, Henry R Davies and Co Ltd., The Clwyd, 33, Chester Road W, Shotton, Queensferry, CH5 1SA.


 LCMI’s Insurance Affairs are dealt with by NFU MUTUAL, Edinburgh Rd, Stranraer DG9 7HF.








The Act of Supremacy 1534/1559 & Coronation Oath      

Part 1 Intercessions:                                          


Part 2: What God Has built in the Land of the Covenanters Will Grow and Grow.                                                                                                                                       

Introduction: Another year of overcoming despite of the lockdown continuation the 7-year plan coming into its final year, the continuation being on the theme of imminency in relation to the coming of the Lord Jesus to the sky.


Despite the challenge of many years of persecutions and threatenings particularly from 2010 when we were threatened to be “destroyed through official channels”, God’s grace has overcome, the gates of hell have not prevailed – it is as if the model of the Early Church is being restored.


Acts 4:28-30 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)

28 for to do whatsoever thy hand and thy counsel determined before to be done. 29 And now, Lord, behold their threatenings: and grant unto thy servants, that with all boldness they may speak thy word, 30 by stretching forth thine hand to heal; and that signs and wonders may be done by the name of thy holy child Jesus.


What is sad is the fact that the nation around us is in serious decline as we know it, particularly in view of the coronavirus crisis, rapidly increasing injury and death rates, our appointment being to present JESUS AS LIFE opposing the signs of death all around us.


To do this we have continued to present our Judeo-Christian heritage in line with our Constitutional Acts, we continuing to promote policies and procedures in line with our own British Constitution rather than being under the laws of a global order, nation after nation rejecting God and coming under the pestilences, famines and earthquakes prophesied in God’s Word.


To be protected from this, we must give ear to what is in our Constitutional Acts, our Head of State on oath promising to uphold them.


The 1534 Act of Supremacy restored in the Elizabethan Settlement of 1559 demands the following:


  1. Increase in virtue (anointing) of Christ’s Religion. This means being bound to Christ, the present turning away from the real Christ Jesus of the Reformation being completely and absolutely unconstitutional.

  2. Repress and extirpate all errors, heresies, and other enormities and abuses.

  3. The Monarch to act in the line of repressing the extremities that are religiously affecting the nation. This is extremely serious in the context of today for we are seeing a complete breakdown of all that is precious to us.

  4. To conserve the peace, unity and tranquillity of the realm.

  5. To repress the infiltration of foreign laws and systems into our nation. Roman Catholic countries use the principles of Corpus Juris that have their origins in Babylon whereas our Protestant system of Habeas Corpus has its origins in Jerusalem, Greece and Protestant Britain.


 The 1689 Act Establishing the Coronation Oath demands the following:


  1. Maintain the statutes, laws and customs of the realm.

  2. Government of the People is the Monarch’s responsibility according to the statutes of Parliament and the laws and customs of the same.

  3. Law and justice in mercy to be executed in all judgements.

  4. The Laws of God maintained, the Monarch being obligated to do this by the utmost of her power meaning she is honour bound not to allow laws onto the statute book that contravene the Word of God, any such law being null and void according to this constitutional demand.

  5. The utmost of the Monarch’s power has to be used in relation to the ongoing profession of the Gospel and the Protestant Reformed Religion that has been established by law.

  6. Rights and privileges are given by law to Bishops and clergy meaning in reality that anyone who tries to quieten the ministry of the Gospel would be in effect guilty of High Treason.


Trustees on many occasions have fought any attempt to change these constitutional demands seeing such action as an act against the very heart and foundations of our nation. Clear signs of a growing totalitarian state were all around us, and so by presenting the nation’s spiritual and temporal foundations we looked to bring stability and counteract the growing atmosphere of fear and control.


Trustees therefore support the following statement of President Harry Truman in relation to Great Britain for our laws (not those influenced by foreign power) like the American Bill of Rights are Biblical in nature, and that if we do not have this fundamental moral background then we end up with a Totalitarian Government which does not believe in rights for anyone but the state, the nature of our life under the EU, this being a constitutional rather than political statement.


Part 1: The Intercessions


From the 1920’s onwards our spiritual founder Rees Howells (whose College we have now restored) emphasized the importance of intercession. Indeed, it is our firm conviction that it is because of the intercession that went on in the College during the years of the Second World War, that conditions were made for a nation to not only continue its freedom but hold onto its Christian heritage and be able to take the Gospel to “every creature”.


We exist today with the same passion, the ministry having travelled to specific locations, for specific purposes to maintain the puritan heritage of our nation, a heritage that gives the necessary freedom and resources to fulfil the call of God on all true Christians.


No travelling intercessions took place this year due to the situation of Brian Mason, who was requiring both care at home and also in hospital, Brian who had returned from trying to get into South Sudan very much incapacitated, and also continuing lockdown restrictions.


Over many years now amazing intercessions have taken place through Brian Mason, who had been trained by Samuel Rees Howells, taking place in many locations, and are featured on the ministry’s youtube channel, and at ECCTV.ORG.




 Intercession in relation to the coronavirus crisis in India with for many people little access to treatment, with his heart to set them free intercession takes place.


Part 2: What God Has built in the Land of the Covenanters Will Grow and Grow.


After years of persecution, the ministry was called to move from its North Wales base to a land that is steeped in Christian history, we restoring with its newly painted exterior the “White House” of Whithorn moving in the mantle of St Ninian. Truly after years of battle Candida Casa was again amongst the people of Whithorn. From the year 390 to now, the White House proclaiming Christ Jesus is now restored livestreaming all over the world, making this mission a worldwide one!


The ministry recognized however that the country was entering a new era, with the freedom fought for over two world wars being removed, thus the following prophecy right at the beginning of the financial year was given so that trustees might be aware. The prophecy gives reference to a medical procedure David P Griffiths went through illustrating what is needed to overcome. It is this heart that makes this ministry “more than conquerors” and victors over the “god of this world.”


Word from the Lord through  David P Griffiths, 21/05/21

“The New Norm - We are Entering after Lockdown Easing.”


“Over the last days, we have been looking to get back to normal; meeting family, friends, & our neighbours again; enjoying what God has given us: the countryside, the mountains, & our nation’s magnificent coastline.


“But there has been a massive change in the world; a change that defies the logic of the previous norm, meaning we all have to come very, very close to the Saviour. For it is only by following His paths that we will overcome.


“These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.”

[John 16:33]


“Following is a summary of our life over the last week:


“(1) Barclaycard Commercial:


At a time when banks & government are shouting about helping businesses through the financial crisis of the pandemic, we as a ministry have asked no help from either institution. Yet, despite of having a cashflow facility of £13,500 from Barclays, this has now been withdrawn, despite of being up to date with payments, despite of having this card since 2006, despite of never being chased for money by Barclays, without notice, without being allowed to talk to a manager about this, an assistant declaring it is because of Companies House, with whom we are not registered, as a registered Charity instead. We have lost £13,500 of cashflow facility.


“Cashflow facility has been normal in business for decades, & we ask, as the door is shut to us from being able to discuss the matter with Barclays, whether another Chinese import has come in. For the pandemic clearly had its roots in China, the current spiritual Babylon of the world. Also, nearly every piece of electronic equipment we buy is from China, which has its own slave trade, & its social norms.


“Have we imported, too, the Chinese ESG system, which allows credit only to those of the social & political norm, rather than companies, charities, NGOs who outspokenly support freedom, like us? For in this new ‘norm’, it is clear that you have to be of a certain political, atheistic persuasion to be able to get on.


“(2) Pizza Hut:


“Lindsay & I, being in Ayr on business, decided to go to Pizza Hut for our lunch. An inviting ‘We are OPEN’ sign, flashing, was before us. We decided to go in & were welcomed at the door with the news that ‘we do not take cash or cards – only phones;’ & for whatever reason, Lindsay & I find it difficult to use phones for financial transactions. Having tried to make the phones work, & the waitress having a go as well, it was clear that under the new Pizza Hut regulations, we were not going to be able to buy.


“Throughout our hour at Pizza Hut lunchtime, there was no other customer; so, no one was buying & the ones who were wanting to buy, were not able to.


“So, praise the Lord, Scottish hospitality took over, & a way was found to have a lovely lunch.


“We ask, has the time come when we will not be able to buy or sell?


(3) A visit to Dumfries Infirmary for a procedure called TRUS:


“First of all, David’s consultant & his staff were magnificent, one nurse being very open to the gospel; & there was a freedom to share one’s fears over a very intimate procedure.


“You see, it is in the Lord’s strength we move, we being strong when we are weak; & to be able to share is so important for successful recovery.


“What is a major change from the hospital visits of the past, is being bar-coded, & scanned on a regular basis. I was able to share the miracle of my release from diabetes; yet I am still on the system as being diabetic, the last 2 diabetes blood test checks showing the miracle has happened, as indeed the pin-prick blood sugar tests in the hospital further confirming this miracle; & indeed, the staff were open to hearing of this miraculous cure. Yet, the scanning went on & on.


“Is scanning to become the norm now in everyday life, as it is in our hospitals? You see, it seems to us that this new ‘norm’ is somewhat different to our past life. There seems to be a global order taking over, which those known as conspiracy theorists call the New World Order, whose theory is proven on the back of a $1 bill, with an eye on the top of a pyramid, with the inscription ‘New World Order’ written in Latin, there also being what is known as The Deep State; & now, The Deep Church, meaning there is a world control, rather than adherence to God, to whom the monarch made promises in 1953, to protect us from this new norm.


“It also seems so many are blinded by all of this, & the Bible warns us of this.


“in whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.”

[II Corinthians 4:4]


“So, what the world calls the New World Order, Deep State, or Deep Church, the Bible calls the god of this world.

“We are determined, despite of all this, to reach every creature by perfecting the saints by 2022. We believe that the signs of the times are upon us, & that Christians will have to overcome the inability to buy or sell, overcome persecution, being alienated, & it is so important to witness ministries who have not sold out to the new ‘norm’; who will not speak out the social norms of Babylon, but will adhere to the unadulterated Bible, the Bible that has been passed down to us from the true Church, rather than the Alexandrian counterfeit.


“You see, only that which is built on the Rock shall stand in this storm; & with the banks withdrawing their financial facilities from the saints, we are going to have to reach another level in the anointing, with the saints coming together. For this new ‘norm’ has little relation to the past norm.


“Prophetic warnings have been given of further pestilence, wars, rumours of wars. One will not be able to carry on one’s past life. We are at a different level to that; & say the Pizza Hut experience comes to your supermarket, your local shop, what will you be able to do? For this is only the beginning of a removal of norms we have practised for decades, these examples showing the inability to buy & sell, with Big Brother watching you through scans, & the following of your mobile phones & GPS systems. For they could even know, from a distance, the speed you are travelling in your car.


“The prophecy of Jura has come true. Please be aware.”

21-22 CLICK HERE -



UK Tax Payers (Gift Aid Claim) may give offerings at

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Cheques to "BIBLE COLLEGE OF WALES" & posted to 25, George Street, Whithorn, Wigtownshire, DG8 8NS

Tel. 01492 544451; 07542 565415; 07542 565416; 07542 565417;  E.Mail.

FINANCIAL YEAR OF THE MINISTRY: 1st May 2024 to 30 April 2025

31 01 25 amount in (un-audited as yet) = £38,277-50; $47,468-32; 46,000-94 EURO

We are praising the Lord for his vision for a required million pounds to really make progress with the "Imminency" Programme "reaching every creature" to populate heaven, de-populate hell.

LCMI Trust is England & Wales registered charity

(England & Wales Charity Commission No. 1065192 –

Also registered in Scotland - Scottish Registration SC048778)

To Reach Every Creature.........To Reach Every Creature........To Reach Every Creature



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