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2015 to 2022 Ministry Plan towards True Revival

Part 2 Entitled "

Added Unto You"

Stages 1 to 7

The Seven Year Plan is Concluding this year (2022) - now being followed by


Night after night God has awaken David and Lindsay Griffiths with precise details of this 7 YEAR plan and as with part 1 - part 2 consists of seven stages .........


1)  The Forsaking All and What this Means


2)  Covenant


3)  Awakening


4)  The Legal Cover


5, 6, 7)  Trading Company - the running of business in revival with the emphasis on sharing not personal greed; Building Within the Framework and the Final Intercession of Norman Grubb - seeing it through


Part 2 – Stage 1 - The Forsaking All

Word from the Lord through David  P Griffiths, 21/05/15


“The LCMI Seven Year Business Plan, Section 2, of seeking first the Kingdom of God, & His Righteousness.


Part 2 deals with ‘And all These Things will be Added Unto You” ‘But seek ye first the kingdom of God, & his righteousness; & all these things shall be added unto you.’ [Matthew 6:33]


“The ministry fundamentally encourages the inner witness in relation to family & personal affairs. In other words, it is what the individual hears from God himself, it being the role of ministers, in the perfecting of the saints, to bring the conditions for this to happen.


“This is in complete contrast to many social care agencies that have taken up the Communistic agenda to take over the lives of families, rather than support them – this concept being alien to the British Constitution. Agencies being found guilty of this need to be brought to justice at the first opportunity. For this is gross control & manipulation, whereas the Bible declares the importance of the Ephesians 5 family, speaking of Christ & the Church.

As a ministry, thou art to preach the hundredfold, which is the fullness of God; & indeed, there is the forsaking all to follow Me, to move in the hundredfold, & of course, there is protection for the vulnerable in this. Many who are mentally handicapped are as little children, & need to be treated as the kingdom of God in their simplicity of thinking, & in relation to their trust & innocence, the state needing to understand the Christian Constitutional ethos of the nation, in relation to their ongoing support, for anything else would be rebellion against the Constitution, which is happening in Great Britain & other nations too.


“So, the wisdom of God needs to be sought; & in the case recently prevalent in LCMI, Christian support for a vulnerable adult was sought; & in Constitution Keepers, pressure can be placed on social care agencies to keep the Constitution.


“It is in this area the ministry can support members & trustees concerned over their vulnerable families. The hundredfold does not say to forsake vulnerable people. It says to forsake those who are living a life in the world to follow Christ, it being the choice of family whether or not to follow Me, as you have done – your forsaking of all to follow Me.

“Now, to be entirely sanctified, there is a price; & indeed, the ministry is called to find those who will pay that price. From here will come the much-needed staff to run the ministry all over the world.


“So, the teaching of the hundredfold is vital here, & Minister Ringgold needs to be congratulated here for not teaching the hundredfold as a formula to get rich, but a scriptural back-up for his ministry’s passion for all to walk in the fullness of God.


“This is the emphasis of the hundredfold, which needs to be constantly preached, in that the Early Church did forsake all to follow Me; at the same time understanding the protection for the vulnerable, the Constitution Keepers having strong support for those resisting the state influenced by Communism in relation to their social care policies. In fact, as regards to Western nations the ministry has found the thief, which is the root of all the pressures & regulations of modern society in the West. See BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH - CLICK HERE

“The ministry therefore can claim the sevenfold return for the people, for it has found the thief responsible: Communism, that looks to take over & control the lives of people, rather than the ethos of this ministry, which is to bring the conditions for individuals themselves to hear from God, whilst being loyal to the overall vision God has given to the whole ministry.


“Issue 1 therefore is the hundredfold, the ‘suffer little children to come unto Me.’ ‘But Jesus said, Suffer little children, & forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.’ [Matthew 19:14]; & the inner witness; it being the role of this ministry to bring the conditions for people to hear from God themselves, an ethos completely opposite to government agencies who look to take over the lives of people, as you have recently witnessed in the recent case with the OPG.


“This is why Constitution Keepers will take a priority position in thy ministry, for it promotes the ethos of the inner witness, the seeking first the kingdom of God & His righteousness, rather than taking over lives with the procedures & policies of man.


“So, this first area of understanding is so important, & will be a blessing to members & trustees of this ministry. For it answers in full issues relating to the hundredfold, & social care for the vulnerable, this ministry having been found pure in honouring parents, & the care of parents in their latter years.


“For within My Word is the bet’ ab, a whole ethos that you find in developing countries, rather than the West, which casts off its parents to be cared for by the state, rather than the family unit which I have called upon of God.

“So you have this balance to understand the context of Scripture, in which you have the bet’ ab, you have the hundredfold, you have the ‘suffer little children’ (including vulnerable), to come unto Me, you have the promotion of the inner witness, you have the resistance of the Communist taking over of families & the choices of the vulnerable by the state, which thou hast recently witnessed. “So thou art presenting thy ethos very powerfully here, for should any accuse thee of controlling individuals, then you can refer them to this policy that will be right at the heart of the Constitution Keepers web-site.


“If the state took its Constitutional responsibilities seriously, it could then take its place in the Constitution Keepers. But as it is at the moment, the oaths of Parliamentarians on the King James Bible are being taken by those not keeping to this ethos, which is why you can say to those who attack thee legally, that you are keeping the ethos of the King James Bible, which thy Parliamentarians have sworn upon, the contents therefore of the Book being higher law than the Communistic ethos of taking over the lives of families. For what the Book promotes is complete surrender to God, rather than the controls & suppressions of man.”

Part 2 – Actions; 1 - The Forsaking All


  • This ministry to fundamentally encourage the “inner witness” in complete contrast to government agencies that communistically take over the lives of others.


  • “As a ministry, thou art to preach the hundredfold, which is the fullness of God; & indeed, there is the forsaking all to follow Me, to move in the hundredfold, & of course, there is protection for the vulnerable in this.


  • “So, the wisdom of God needs to be sought; & in the case recently prevalent in LCMI, Christian support for a vulnerable adult was sought; & in Constitution Keepers, pressure can be placed on social care agencies to keep the Constitution.


  • “Now, to be entirely sanctified, there is a price; & indeed, the ministry is called to find those who will pay that price. From here will come the much-needed staff to run the ministry all over the world. “So, the teaching of the hundredfold is vital here, & Minister Ringgold needs to be congratulated here for not teaching the hundredfold as a formula to get rich, but a scriptural back-up for his ministry’s passion for all to walk in the fullness of God.


  • “This is the emphasis of the hundredfold, which needs to be constantly preached, in that the Early Church did forsake all to follow Me; at the same time understanding the protection for the vulnerable, the Constitution Keepers having strong support for those resisting the state influenced by Communism in relation to their social care policies. In fact, as regards to Western nations the ministry has found the thief, which is the root of all the pressures & regulations of modern society in the West.


  • “The ministry therefore can claim the sevenfold return for the people, for it has found the thief responsible: Communism, that looks to take over & control the lives of people, rather than the ethos of this ministry, which is to bring the conditions for individuals themselves to hear from God, whilst being loyal to the overall vision God has given to the whole ministry.


  • For a time – Constitution Keepers taking priority position in actions – Christ Jesus – pre-eminent

Part 2 – Stage; 2 - Covenant

Word from the Lord through David P Griffiths, 23/05/15 

“Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” [John 15:13]


“We deal with ‘all things shall be added to those who seek first the kingdom of God & His righteousness.’

“In Part 1, we have had the contextual, or graded absolutist, position as regarding the forsaking all to follow Me.

“I now deal with the deep love I have, that I gave My life that all may come & forsake theirs, so as to be one in Me: a body that has given up the luxuries of this world so as to be one in Me. Such a depth of sacrifice is always in the heart of a true Christian.


“As you are married to Me, thou art married to each other, for you are one in Me: one body, one faith, one baptism, buried into My death, to be risen again in resurrection glory. This is how Peter was able to say, ‘Silver & gold have I none, but in the name of Jesus of Nazareth, rise up & walk.’


“You see, as you are in covenantal relationship with each other (John 17, ‘that they may be one as we are one’), meaning that to each other, you are so in covenant that thou art like the Holy Trinity, for I have made thee partakers of the divine nature, one with Me, standing in this glorious intercession, from where comes the intercession for souls. For you love the world so much, you are prepared to die so souls can be saved. Such is the intensity of thy love.


“You will sit next to the New Age- & homosexual, & love them into the kingdom. For unless you have this agape love, then the giftings you have are nothing.


“You live this life of loving to such a degree. My dear David, when thou was in hospital, how you loved those nurses; not in a lustful sense, but in the sense that these dear souls had given their careers so as to bring life to others.


“The importance of a nurse or a doctor to society cannot be underestimated. As long as they bring forth life, they are under the blessing & covenant of God. What has happened in society has come allowance for lustful love, so the result of this has come the death of babies, & marriages that bear no seed. One can’t get lower in God’s eyes than the death of a child in the name of lustful love.


“You see, what you saw in those nurses was people prepared to support emotionally as well as physically. This is all part of a nurse’s duty. How much more should it be therefore with My body, that has so much love, it supports & encourages each other, builds each other up, taking pressure from each other, with the heart of Christ who gave His life.


“No greater love than this. It is so intense. This is the I Corinthians 13 passage, that you can have all the giftings, but without love – translated ‘charity’ in English, which was thy rub with the Charity Commission, which you tried to explain, which was not grasped; that the very name of this organisation means primarily that it is the Commission of Agape, rather than the letter of the law that killeth. For it is called under the British Constitution to be an organisation that gives up its life for the benefit of others. That is what being the Commission of Love really is.


“If that is not the main focus of this Commission, then it has lost its way; that unless you have that intensity of love in thy Charity, then thou will not realise the objectives of this ministry. For thou art to be broken in tears, as you reach Stage 2 of the Business Plan, that you are laying down your life for these people; & from this intensity of love, comes forth the great manifestation of signs, wonders & miracles.


“It’s not knowing the technicality around the atonement of God. It is knowing personally the love that took Him there. What they do not understand about Sheila is the intensity of love she had for the dear ones in Vavuniya hospital. Natural man cannot understand how she gave from her heart into causes thou hast set up in thy ministry. 

Sheila’s resources, & that of Margaret Ryder, have provided resources to fulfil Stage 2 of thy Business Plan: the Ministry of Tears; & to you all looking to take part in this revelation of God, you need to ask: ‘Do I love so much, I’m prepared to give my life?’ On that night in Vavuniya, surrounded by those who could have killed you instantly, you entered a part of the war zone which was being targeted by the enemy of those you had been ministering to. You operated fearlessly, even to the point of giving up your life to save others. Such is the Ministry of Tears.


“You were prepared to give your lives for others. Are you prepared to do this again? Are you prepared to express your weakness one to another, as you overcome obstacles so massive? For to fulfil the cause I have given thee, one must be prepared to lay down thy all for the cause of the gospel.


“Such as it was with Rees Howells, who was finished with personal ownership, so that he might reach the lost.

“A nation needs this. Britain has its Commonwealth for this purpose; & this My ministry, operating from Rhos-on-Sea, let that depth of love be live-streamed all over the world.


“You see, when My Word says, ‘Seek ye first the kingdom of God, & His righteousness, then those who receive the resource are broken, sacrificial people; & that thou art in covenant with each other, as unto Me, standing with each other in times of adversity. For as the song goes, ‘The God of the Mountain is the God of the Valley.’ 


“Let thy ministry always be one of love primarily; the love that sent Me to the cross, is the love thou art to portray to the people.


“Thou art to love as I loved, for thou art one in Me, & with each other; the body of Christ prepared to die for the salvation of others.”


(The action in publicly showing these two ladies is to feature COVENANT and that their funds were given solely to the Every Creature Commission by their individual callings to God intimated before witnesses thus counteracting inaccuracies stating that human control, manipulation and personal gain were involved)

Part 2 – Actions; 2 - Covenant


  • “I now deal with the deep love I have, that I gave My life that all may come & forsake theirs, so as to be one in Me: a body that has given up the luxuries of this world so as to be one in Me. Such a depth of sacrifice is always in the heart of a true Christian.


  • Intensity of Love - “If that is not the main focus of this Commission, then it has lost its way; that unless you have that intensity of love in thy Charity, then thou will not realise the objectives of this ministry. For thou art to be broken in tears, as you reach Stage 2 of the Business Plan, that you are laying down your life for these people; & from this intensity of love, comes forth the great manifestation of signs, wonders & miracles. (i.e. the single ladies who gave all – MR and SDS as with Rees Howells – finished with ownership.


  • Charity Commission to be Commission of Agape and not letter of the law.


  • Not the technicality but the heart.

Part 2 – Stage 3 Awakening

Word from the Lord through David P Griffiths, 24/05/15

“Part 3 of the ‘These Things will be added unto you’”


“I will be dealing with the issue of backers over the coming days; & I particularly like the idea of including other remnant ministries in this, in preparation for your confrontation with Baal.


“In this part, however, I am dealing with the importance of being awake. If you are to be moving in My covenantal blessings, there has to be the understanding that what Western countries call democratic, is not. For they have forced on the people alien philosophies & religions, polluted the people with immorality to such a degree that even young children now get pregnant.


“So, you are dealing with a brainwashed people, under deep control of foreign powers, that even now, thou has just witnessed a massive vote against Ephesians 5, which is a massive vote for hell rather than heaven.

“In relation to having things added unto you, the key is in exposing the thief.


‘Men do not despise a thief, if he steal to satisfy his soul when he is hungry; “But if he be found, he shall restore sevenfold; he shall give all the substance of his house.’ [Proverbs 6:30-31]


“In returning the resources of the nations back to My Church, you must expose the brainwashing in government, banking & media. The equal time policy at this stage, is My wisdom. For they emphasise equality & diversity, so they have to give equal time for the gospel; & I will use that equal time by My Spirit, to bring conviction & understanding, & remove the blindness the enemy of souls has placed on the people.


“My Church must awake to this. Thou art setting up the Constitution Keepers web-site, where this must be given great priority.


“I will strengthen thee to such a degree, saith the Lord. Awake to this! Tell this to My remnant, for I am giving this part of My business plan, not only as guidelines for thee, but for remnant ministries all over the world, which are to come together.


“So, the coming together of the remnant is very important. For I am looking for My whole Church to be resourced, not just thine own ministry. This has to be within your thinking, for moving in the financial blessings of God. My whole Church is Western countries is being marginalised. Awake to this! This is why the presentation of this business plan is not only to be given to potential backers, but also to those in need who want to come on board with this.


“This is so important. For it is My whole Church to be blessed. Those who have laid their lives down for Me, I will resource to fulfil My call. For I have called thee to open thine arms to embrace the suffering remnant worldwide.”

Part 2 – Actions; 3 Awakening


  • Vitally important in this – the coming together of the remnant and not being isolationist


  • Recognize and expose the brainwashing of western nations to communistic ideals and immorality thus the removal of constitutional bases.


  • By revealing this you claim the sevenfold for my Kingdom.


  • The business plan is not just for us but to be a framework for remnant ministries round the world.


  • “So, the coming together of the remnant is very important. For I am looking for My whole Church to be resourced, not just thine own ministry. This has to be within your thinking, for moving in the financial blessings of God. My whole Church is Western countries is being marginalised. Awake to this! This is why the presentation of this business plan is not only to be given to potential backers, but also to those in need who want to come on board with this.


  • “This is so important. For it is My whole Church to be blessed. Those who have laid their lives down for Me, I will resource to fulfil My call. For I have called thee to open thine arms to embrace the suffering remnant worldwide.”

Part 2 – Stage; 4 The Legal Cover

Word from the Lord through David P Griffiths, 25/05/15

“Next Stage in the ‘And all These Things will be Added’  Understanding, is Legal Protection”


“Now, as this prophecy is providing a framework for ministries all over the world, for ministries based in countries that have commonly violated their Constitutions, I’m calling you to make a list of governmental violations, this list to include commonly the first degree murder of babies in relation to abortion, meaning in reality that parliaments who issue laws allowing the slaughter of the innocents, are in no position whatsoever to govern their lands. For how can those who kill their innocents protect the population as a whole?


“Now, the continuation of this prophecy relates to Constitutional violations in Britain - & I will speak directly to ministries of other countries in relation to the violation going on in their own nations – but this is Britain.


“Britain has seriously violated its Constitution; & if any law enforcement agency should come against thee, you should point out that by law, Protestant Reformed ministers have authority to issue notices of violation against government agencies who have blasphemed God by not embracing the Coronation Oath of the nation, sworn on their behalf by the Head of State. This includes giving the right to Protestant ministers to oversee this Oath.


“Now, this in relation to the running of thy ministry, is the saving of legal fees on your behalf. In the case of thy ministry’s current legal cases, there has been serious violations in actions against thee.


“Number 1: In the recent case in relation to thy covenant-bound intercessor, on her behalf a government agency has broken the covenant between you. Breaking a covenant on behalf of another is a serious breach of Constitutional law, which embraces the Protestant Reformed religion established by law, & the swearing-in of Parliamentarians on the King James Bible, which has 2 parts: the Old Covenant & the New Covenant, ‘Testament’ meaning Covenant.


“And so, if you swear on the Bible of Covenants, & make laws that break covenants, then you as a Parliamentarian have broken the Covenant of God between God & His nation. For why else would you swear on the King James Bible, if you are not recognising God as the Head of the nation, there being the Parliamentary protocol that includes prayers at the beginning of each law-making session.


“So, if they come at you with apparent breakings of law on your behalf, it will always be in the narrow perspective. For covenant is the key issue, high above narrow perspective approaches.


“In the case of thine intercessor, in her absolute right mind, she was deeply in covenant with thee, & gave in line with My Spirit to support thy ministry. In effect, a government agency has broken that covenant, & as such, is in breach of the Constitution & should be brought before the house of Bishops, for this has been a breach of a spiritual covenant.


“Do not accept any finding against thee without reference to the Oath of the monarch. For what you have done is uphold the Constitutional Oath of the monarch. You are acting as Protestant ministers upholding this Oath. You are saying that if Parliamentarians, the law-makers, swear on the King James Bible to become law-makers, then if those laws violate a covenant between Protestant ministers, then a blasphemy against God has taken place.

“This is your legal protection that saves lawyers’ fees. For you are called to be the lawyers here, for you are the upholders of the Constitution by law in Great Britain. Apply that law.

“Now, there are numerous violations of the Constitution in Great Britain, from the failure to increase virtue in Christ’s religion, which has to take priority over all other gods, philosophies, & lifestyle practices. Yet it has not been given equal time, a serious Constitutional breach.

“And thy ministry has been called to issue the equal time challenge, allowing the enemies of the Constitution equal time in their presentation of secular humanism. Just as I gave equal time in relation to the prophets of Baal, who were unable to produce a physical fire. Just as the enemies of the Constitution, with their presentation of varying beliefs, philosophies & lifestyles, will fail to produce spiritual fire, as you present the gospels, which the monarch is on oath to do. Then spiritual fore of conviction will fall upon the nation.

“So, their equality & diversity legislations will fall back on them. For how more diverse is their policies of foreign philosophies & lifestyles, in relation to the gospel, which the monarch is on oath to propagate, government agencies therefore under the monarch having to support her in this oath.


“So, when they come against those carrying this Constitutional obligation, they are in effect looking to bankrupt & suppress My remnant Church, which is carrying the monarch’s oath very seriously.


“So, in Great Britain, thy legal protection is in thy Constitutional Acts. You are to reject any edict against thee not in line with the Constitution, & you are to point out the Constitutional violations; & indeed, as Protestant ministers, you are the legal lawyers called to uphold the law.


“So, constitutionally it is you who pass sentence. For the rights given you in the Constitution, are higher than courts, Parliaments & Assemblies in the nation that pass laws out of line with the Constitution. 

This is your legal protection, part of this Business Plan under the section of ‘These Things being added unto you.’ And My will is, you take charge over this legal situation; & you can take space on the Constitution Keepers web-site, to firmly establish this reality.


“And in the case to which I refer, thou can refer to the Oxley & Whitehouse case. For this is key evidence, in relation to how a Christian ministry stood up to a family & media organisation intent on destroying them.


“So, within this equation of legal protection, thou hast the upper hand. Just as Moses had the upper hand at the Red Sea, so you have the authority in My name, to bring those who violate the Constitution to justice.


“Thus saith the Lord.”

Part 2 – Actions; 4 The Legal Cover


  • Ensure it is known that this business plan (economy of souls) can be used as a framework for remnant ministries around the world.


  • I’m calling you to make a list of governmental violations, this list to include commonly the first degree murder of babies in relation to abortion, meaning in reality that parliaments who issue laws allowing the slaughter of the innocents, are in no position whatsoever to govern their lands. For how can those who kill their innocents protect the population as a whole?


  • If any law enforcement agency should come against thee, you should point out that by law, Protestant Reformed ministers have authority to issue notices of violation against government agencies who have blasphemed God by not embracing the Coronation Oath of the nation, swornon their behalf by the Head of State. This includes giving the right to Protestant ministers to oversee this Oath.


  • Save legal fees by establishing the Constitution and the Oath in all cases.


  • In relation to Parliaments and Government Offices - “And so, if you swear on the Bible of Covenants, & make laws that break covenants, then you as a Parliamentarian have broken the Covenant of God between God & His nation. For why else would you swear on the King James Bible, if you are not recognising God as the Head of the nation, there being the Parliamentary protocol that includes prayers at the beginning of each law-making session.


  • “Do not accept any finding against thee without reference to the Oath of the monarch. For what you have done is uphold the Constitutional Oath of the monarch. You are acting as Protestant ministers upholding this Oath. You are saying that if Parliamentarians, the law-makers, swear on the King James Bible to become law-makers, then if those laws violate a covenant between Protestant ministers, then a blasphemy against God has taken place.


  • Equal time challenge to produce spiritual fire


  • Constitutional protection from the philosophies that have infiltrated in.

Part 2 –Stages; 5,6 & 7 Trading Company,

Building within the Framework, the Intercession of Grubb

Word from the Lord through David P Griffiths, 28/05/15

“The Final Part of the Business Plan,

which is a Framework of Understanding,

& a Model for Remnant Ministries on how to operate”


“Now, you have a trading company which is to be used; but this is within the framework of how it was originally intended.


“What is vital in the developing world, is that skills can be obtained by family members, so that the whole family can be fed & watered; & that your calling is to train people into ethical business. The sales skills you learned, David, in display & distribution, is important in this; & it is not wrong for the College to teach ethical business, within the guidelines & framework of this whole business plan, which is indeed thy Constitution.


“It is My will that those who have suffered in areas like the North of Sri Lanka, prosper; & indeed part of thy ministry is to restore Commonwealth business relationships, & have thine own nation prosper by obeying God & keeping to its Constitution.


“The politicians, however, have talked of personal greed, when I talk of personal share; & this trading company thou hast can be an example of this. For it is My will to prosper poor countries, commonly hit by corruption, there being no lack on the earth, but plenty; but plenty of sin in line with personal greed, the love of money being the root of all evil.


“So within the concept of this trading company, is the belief of personal share rather than personal greed; & thy mission houses will produce goods, as you teach production methods & marketing methods in line with My Word; also in line with the plenty I have given thee.


“The concept of personal share is so important in this, & not the competitiveness on men. So the concept, for example, in retail, is to work with the customer in personal share, rather than one being more important than the other; the retail example being display & distribution; so there is a working together towards a common good.

“For I have ordained that man should work & provide for his family; & this is important. Women too, but not to the neglect of their children.


“So there is a whole area here of people coming together & addressing economic issues within developing world environments. This is vital in developing world situations; & indeed early missionaries like Livingstone took this on board; & indeed, to touch the business community with personal share above personal greed, will be seen as very radical indeed. But this is so important in removing the love of money from the business community. For this trading arm of thy ministry will have love, rather than the love of money, as its focus. Who is love? God is love; & God gave; & this arm needs to be a giver, rather than a taker.


“Now, at this stage, one is to bring the trading arm into the understanding of the Trustees, & see who is led to be directors. It has an important mission, as the mission houses are built up, with the model of the Smyrna mission house being understood, of practical skills in developing world situations coming together so as to raise communities on Christian values.


“Thy Tamil minister friends will understand all this. But the emphasis on this trading arm must always be love. Thou will experience through this trading arm the tears of poverty being replaced by the joy of a family unit being able to prosper in the Biblical sense, with all family members being fed & watered.


“Now, at this stage directors of the company will be in the planning mode, & the Lord will give words in relation to this, to the directors of this company; & so, a separate business plan will be built up amongst directors, within the framework of this overall business plan. There will be much to say in this ministry; but expect great growth for the benefit of those looking to feed their families.


“This is why love is a heart of this business, rather than the love of money, & personal greed; which is why this statement needs to be the company motto: ‘Love is at the heart.’ And who is love, but God? And what did God do, but give?


“What a company this will be, with its workers having a passion to give, rather than take!


“Now, I am dealing with the conclusion of this business plan; but of course, it will multiply. This is only the framework. Thou must be prepared for this vision of restoration to be complete in thy lifetime, should the Lord tarry, with those being drawn by My Spirit, to take their places in this plan of business, which has at its heart the command of God, to reach every creature.


“And as you build up now to the intercession of Grubb, of the realisation of the vine & the branches, the head & the body, the bride & the Bridegroom, the being as He is, the understanding of Galatians 2:20, the living by the faith of the Son of God, that all this is being built up for this realisation, of there being a zeal, as the Biblical translators declared, a zeal for seeking first the kingdom of God, & His righteousness; and understanding, as in the second part of this business plan, that all these things should be added unto you; an understanding, as in the third part of this business plan, that intercession is ongoing, for I forever make intercession for thee. This intercession is ongoing. Prepare thy days meticulously, in line with My Spirit, as the many things that need to be done, shall now be done by My Spirit, who gives thee strength, power & authority.


“And as we come to this intercession through Norman Grubb, of the body connected to the head as one being, the body which the gates of hell cannot prevail against, that thou art to declare the victory of Christ Jesus, His finished work; & that in this entire sanctification, is the zeal & passion to fulfil this calling of God.

“For this is why I have called thee to restore this doctrine of perfection, even though the thinking of man declares it impossible. But for those who come unto Me, I am faithful, & I will do it.

And thou will go out as Me (I John 4:17), married to Me (Jeremiah 3:14), as one body, one spirit with Me (Ephesians 5 & I Corinthians 6:17), as the temple of God, the holy nation manifest; & that all these trials of the world are nothing in this. For thou hast overcome as a more than conqueror, that more than conqueror being Me; & thou have abideth in Me, wearing the garments of praise, rejoicing in the victory.


“That is My will for thee. As one goes through the various stages of this plan, thou art more than conquerors.


“Time now to get going on this plan, that going being to reach every creature with the gospel.” 


I have this last intercession to share; and probably I can say it is the last, now being 95 years of age.  Yet this the mightiest, because it is the first streams of what is to become a world flood.  It was as simple in this beginnings as all the others.  Once again, it all stemmed from the originality of the Spirit, totally unplanned and unpremeditated by me or any.

I have this last intercession to share; and probably I can say it is the last, now being 95 years of age.  Yet this the mightiest, because it is the first streams of what is to become a world flood.  It was as simple in this beginnings as all the others.  Once again, it all stemmed from the originality of the Spirit, totally unplanned and unpremeditated by me or any.


          Having handed on the general secretaryship of the WEC to younger man just suited for it, I was now free to pour myself into my main absorption—the sharing with my fellow believers of Paul’s (and my!) revelation of that mystery once hidden “but now made manifest to his saints” (Col. 1:26).  That revelation is of a total present “Christ in you, the hope of glory” (Col. 1:27).  He is the perfection in us, and we in Him are His human manifesters.


          The radicalness of what a number of us call our Total Truth Message to the Whole Church in the Whole World is not in what Paul called his once hidden, now manifest “mystery” (Col. 1:27).  That tremendous reality is becoming more commonly known by faith by us the redeemed.  We do say with Paul in his Galatians 2:20, “Yet not I, but Christ liveth in me.”  But where we have been held up, and I for long, is with the previous statement of “I am crucified with Christ.”


          What is that “I” (or “me”)?  That is the point.  And what does it means when I say “I am crucified”?  For evidently the “I” continues in living existence when Paul goes on to say, “Yet not I, but Christ liveth in me”  That is the “me” back again!  So what was crucified?  And in what sense am I a “crucified me, who now comes back as a “resurrected me”?  I was not clear about that for a long time.


Romans Makes It Clear.


          But at last I saw the truth about ourselves through Paul’s Roman letter.  He constantly underlines that our human “I” is nothing but a vessel that contains, a branch producing its vine’s fruit, a servant (slave) working only at the becken call of his owner, a wife reproducing the seed of her husband, a temple indwelt by it god.  Our human selves never were self-operating or self-relying, but only express and reproduce the products of our owner.


          I saw that my “I” that was crucified with Christ was an “I” that was expressing its owner and operator.  My “I” had been the expresser of that false “god of this world” and “spirit of error,” which works in all the children of disobedience (all of us while unsaved).  So when Paul says that I am crucified with Christ, he means that my “I” went into death and resurrection with my Intercessor Savior, who was “made sin” as me on Calvary (II Cor. 5:21).  In His death I am freed forever from the false spirit of error indweller; and by His resurrection I am now occupied, when I have responding faith, by the Spirit of Truth as fixed, eternal, total Indweller.


          What is so radical, and meets with so much questioning and opposition as even heretical, is that my crucified “I” is the very same “I” that now lives.  The difference is not and never was in the human “I” container, but wholly in the deity-spirit in possession of my “I.”  But that is hard to recognize and accept because of the false concept of my “I” being independent and self-operating.


          Really, we have been run since the Fall by that false Satan-deity (Rev. 12:9).  That includes much of the lives of us newborn ones, until through sheer desperation we have moved in by faith from our first saved and justified relationship to our real reality of now being indwelt vessels by our Christ-Indweller.  Only by His body-death did He cast out forever the false indweller.  So it never was a change in our beautiful God-created “I” with its great potential, but only an exchange of who is operating our “I.”

We Have Never Been Self-Operating.


          This then brings me to the problem of resistance from my fellow believers, who have known themselves ads Satan-stained by their sins.  While caught in this lie of a seemingly self-acting self which they think can pray more, resolve more, try more be better, etc., they are horrified and regard as dangerous heresy the total giving up of their “duties” in self-activity.  But at last they must come to what Paul did by much travail:  the plain giving fact of the human self never having been self-operating.  And then they can realize that human self-relying activity through past years actually has been the “error spirit,” with his nature of self-for-self appearing as them.


          When I am at last exhausted enough by the failure of my self-effort, as was Paul in Romans 7, I am ready and conditioned to recognize with great relief and daring faith that I have “died” to this long accepted concept of being self-operating.  By faith I see that my false owner and Satan-Sin-operator, with his nature of self-for-self, has been replaced forever by my True Owner, with His nature of self-for-others.


          As in Romans 8:1-2, I can now accept myself with all my human faculties as permanently operated by, expressing and manifesting my Christ-Indweller in His self-for-others nature.  I go free.  Then delighted I find myself a willing slave-servant to Him who gets busy giving me my intercessory life’s opportunities of being Himself-for-others by me.  All who will receive can find and know that they too are Christ-I in place of Statan-I, and never were the delusion of being just an I-I!


The Radical Core


          In a real sense, there is not a new word in what we are saying—not a sentence for which we cannot present Bible authority and not a thing new to take to any born-again believer.  All we do is tell our fellow redeemed who they really are and already are!


          But what is the radical spot which causes us to talk of “total truth”?  Simply put, it is that there is no such thing as independent self in the universe.  There is only One:  “I am the Lord; and there is none else” (Isa. 45:18).  All creation is derivative, operating by God’s creative life in some basic form in it.  And so all men, made in His image, naturally (except as hindered by unbelief) express by their created selfhood Him, their Creator.  We humans have our wonderful being as selves “in Him” (Act 17:28); but the nature that is being expressed is His, not ours (2 Peter 1:4).  But because consciousness necessarily comes through the fact and knowledge of opposites, the one utilizing the other to express itself (like light “swallowing up” dark), so there came into existence this false “god” with the opposite nature to the One Living God, and having the deceived imagination that he is an independent self.  That is what sin is (I John 3:4).


          This was also that we might know the false opposite, since through the Fall we have been deceived by Satan as if we were independent selves, having received his spirit of error into ourselves to express his self-for-self nature as us.  The Last Adam—God’s own Son taking Flesh as us—removed that spirit of error from us by His death and resurrection as us (2 Cor. 5:14, 21; Rom. 6P:19), so that the deceiving spirit is replaced by the Spirit of Truth expressing His other-love nature as us.


          The snag and snare is that by Satan’s deceit we humans think we are independent selves with a self-operating nature of our own.  This has to be, so we learn once for all that lying deceit of being independent.  The reason Romans 7 appears to be such a difficult chapter is that the final depth of this revelation is found there.


          Through conditioning we have to become desperate enough to see through and discard the one thing we humans cling to: that deceived idea that we have a nature of our own and run our own lives. Only then can we settle into the wonder of the old Satan-nature which he expressed as us (Rom. 6:21; 7:5) being now replaced forever by the glory of Christ, our “True Vine” expressing His True Vine nature by us, the branches (Romans 6:22).  Thus we move fixedly into the glory of the affirmation of Romans 8:2 and its spontaneous consequences in verse 14 through 16 and onward through the whole chapter.


But the Truth is Resisted


          So it is the fact of our having no human nature, but self only being an expresser of the deity –spirit nature (formerly the false one and now the true one) and our claiming this to be biblically true, that makes our “total truth” so radical.  It leaves no more room for human self-activity, except as expressions of a deity.


          Here is where we have to ask where are the preachers or the writers of spiritual books who make this radical fact the fact, and thus give no more room for exhortations to self-betterment?   Actually, all the commands of the Scripture have become automatic action: “Of course that is how we live, because it is He fulfilling  ‘the righteousness of the law!” Romans 8:4; Ps. 119:97).


          Why can few pastors accept this truth in its reality?  Because it exchanges pastoral management of the flock for direct management by the Chief Shepard, and the pastors leading the sheep to His direct leadership.  Why will all believers start by opposing and resenting this radical reality?  It is because we live under the delusion of being self-operating selves merely helped by the Spirit, until that final delusion is exposed in Romans 7 and replaced in Romans 8.


          How truly that great George Muller, the father of all present-day faith movements, once said, “There was a day on which I died!” And theirs is no other way but that such a day comes in all our lives.  But we fight and resist until at last we “see” it.       


Others Have Seen and Said it


          John in his First Epistle repeated it over and over again.  We walk in the light, as He is in the light (1:7).  We walk as He walked (2:6).  We know as He knows (2:27).  We live holy lives, as He lived (3:7).  We love as He loves (4:16).  We have a faith that becomes inner knowing as He has (5:4-5), 18-20).  And summed up, “As He is, so are we in this world” (4:17), for the very same Spirit who caused Jesus to know and say who He was (John 14:9) now causes us to know who we are (Rom. 8:11; John 16:7).


          Inner truth was always known through the centuries (read such a book as The Pilgrim Church by E. H. Broadbent), but these true ones were consistently martyred by the external church.  They were intercessors for us and did the dying.  Now in our generation it is not physical martyrdom and cutting off of heads for most of us, but plenty of cutting off of our reputations as sound or sensible Christians.  So we are left physically free to go to the who Church in the whole world.


My Summit, My Hope, Glory and Ostracism


            Now I reach my summit—at least I suppose so, at 95 years—and a last glorious participation in an “intercession in action.”  Certainly it is the greatest for me because God, and only God, has brought this worldwide, church wide commission into being without my having given one thought or plan for it.  And as I go to my Lord, I leave behind nothing less that the first sproutings—precious believers knowing who they already are—of a worldwide harvest.


          My one hope is that we who are linked in this co-knowing remain as structureless as possible.  Being joined to One Body only, the precious redeemed Body of Christ, we have no need for membership, joining or official subscribing.  We know only one truth:  Christ Himself now living His own life in millions of bodies by the Spirit, until “we all come in the unity of the faith,” in understanding as well as a present Spirit-oneness, to that Perfect Man of Ephesians 4:13.


          This last intercession is glorious indeed, but it also includes its very present dying that others may live.  There is ostracism and opposition by many, even of the precious people of God, who remain in this confusion of and clinging to the false independent self.  The Spirit has to make us ready for that final and highly dangerous looking death, where it remains only He as us.


          That unpredictable Wind “blows where it lists” in our newborn lives, as I can plainly see in the marvelous unplanned events of just my own life.  You may also see where the Spirit has already gained intercessions by you in your own experiences; and you will thus be alive to the glory of such further intercessions, with their commission, cost and completion.


          The death-resurrection principle of intercession see John 12:24) as the highest of our earthly callings is still known and entered into by only a few of the redeemed members of the Body of Christ.  Plainly enough, though, Paul gave us his own experience in Romans 6-8.  As he found so painfully and with difficulty in his Romans 7 travail, the “death” of that lie of our being independent selves comes to those of us who will stop at nothing in going what he called that perfect way of Christ as us.


          But as we move in by the bold choice of faith (as by the affirmation of Galatians 2:20), the Spirit will bring us that same light of revelation which Paul had.  Inwardly we will “see” our wonderful God-made human selves as solely expressers of His Spirit of Truth in place of that false spirit of error.  And we will settle into our true God-ordained condition, as out from us shall flow the river of the Spirit, as in John 7:37,38.  Nothing then can stop us from joining what Peter calls “the royal priesthood” of intercessors with, as Paul said, “death working in us, but life in you.”  


Published by:  Christ, Our Life Ministries 

Part 2 – Actions; 5,6 & 7 Trading Company,

Building within the Framework, the Intercession of Grubb


  • Training people into Ethical Business


  • Display and Distribution retail Ethic in all lines of business for a business deal is to benefit all – not to be on the basis of selfish greed by one party in the deal – personal share above personal greed


  • The ethos of providing for the family important – the man providing – woman too but not to the detriment of the children – the mother – child bond is major as is the father family bond.


  • It is My will to prosper poor countries, commonly hit by corruption, there being no lack on the earth, but plenty; but plenty of sin in line with personal greed, the love of money being the root of all evil.


  • Trading arm to be LOVE not LOVE OF MONEY! “Thy Tamil minister friends will understand all this. But the emphasis on this trading arm must always be love. Thou will experience through this trading arm the tears of poverty being replaced by the joy of a family unit being able to prosper in the Biblical sense, with all family members being fed & watered.”


  • Trading Company Planning at this stage.


  • Understanding of framework and the zeal within it.


  • The realisation of Grubb’s intercession.

This concludes the seven stages of Part Two -

2015 to 2022 7 YEAR PLAN




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