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The Sacrificial Remnant

Word from the Lord through David P Griffiths, 13/12/14

“The Sacrificial Remnant”


“I have spoken My Word over My suffering remnant, who has sacrificed their houses, homes, families for My sake & the gospel’s; & that they shall have the hundredfold now at this time, to walk in the fullness of God, with such power & authority that every devil from ‘hell’ – for hell-fire is their ultimate home – should flee to such a degree that this remnant should take charge of world affairs, the god of this world being bound up by them; My intercessor having gone to the seats of the Emerging Church, seats that indeed are thrones, but thrones of false authority over millions, this false authority having been taken up by those who run movements through witchcraft, like you witnessed those years ago at Elim.


“Thou art to name these movements, stolen from Me. For I am an angry God, whose movements & resources have been stolen from My remnant.


When thou spoke at Lowestoft those years ago, at the Lowestoft Elim, the cripple came out of the chair, after the proclamation of the foursquare gospel.


“You spoke as Jeffreys spoke, with the same result. If you spoke like that on entire sanctification in a Methodist church, you would get the same result as John Wesley did: the separation of flesh from spirit.


“For thou art to restore the mantles from rebellious movements; Elim & the Methodists are just two. You uncovered the cross of Baal at the Assemblies of God. You entered the graveyard of the Apostolic Church, & found out that the whole vision of the founders had been stolen. You pointed out the decadence in their ranks; but with stolen resources, that movement moved out of the place of its founders, to squander the founder’s resources on the trivial words that their god has placed among them.


“In thy position at this time, you personally have little of family resources to give them, should they sue you for the words of My prophecy. But you can back these words with hard facts. You saw the Egyptian gods in action at the Elim College. You saw the Egyptian scriptures being adhered to at the Elim College. Even then, you knew that College & movement had been stolen from Me, from the founder’s vision – a stolen movement. Same with the Assemblies of God, the visions of Carter, Harthern & Wigglesworth – stolen.


“In the Apostolic Church, the vision of D P Williams – stolen. But thou hast found the thief. What must he do?

“Then I took you back to your Mission Hall; no longer proclaiming the vision of Walter Crocker, & his wife, known in those days as Mrs Crocker. The vision to preach Christ & Him Crucified – no longer applicable, now the vision of a false Christ movement taking over a building many had sacrificed their lives for.


“That building belongs to thee. For it is your ministry that carries the mantle of Walter Crocker, & all the pastors that followed him, including Ted Scott, William Griffiths, Norman Gates, & George Harrison. You carry that vision & mantle; but the thief has stolen it.


“The intercessor cried from the graveyard – but the biggest grave there was that of the Mission itself.

“For I have called thee to be an Isaiah 58 ministry, to restore the breach; to set the people free from the controls of false leaders.


“Thou stood outside Bowland Mission in Bradford, the whole city being stolen from the influence of Smith Wigglesworth, not just the Mission. You held a meeting to restore that mantle. You interceded, & cried out from the graveyard too; but the biggest graveyard was the Mission itself.


“Thou art called to be the restorer of mission halls; mission halls that have become graveyards, from their former glory. But thou art called to raise them up, to restore the mantles of the founders.


“The list goes on. Thou art called to restore the Southport Convention. You can hold the Southport Convention today, by using the recorders of its speakers; & have a programme called ‘The Southport Convention Continuing.’ After all, you have restored Keswick, so why not Southport?


“Oh, Hallelujah! You are restoring My movements, My mission halls, My conventions. Not only this: you are restoring My seminaries, My colleges – taking them out of the hands of the rebels.


“It was right you went to Fuller first; for what I showed you at Fuller was pulled down through the intercession of the intercessor, who came to you seeing your heart to restore. My little army stood outside the gates of

Fuller; & as Gideon pulled down the forces of the Midianites physically, so you spiritually pulled down the forces of the Midianites of Fuller, through the loud voice of the intercessor, who cried aloud & spared not, thy Telethon not just being a matter of two television programmes, but a loud cry to bring the resources back to the people of God.

“This is thy Telethon. Thou hast an immediate need of £25,000 to thy ministry; but thou is aware of needs of other remnant ministries; & you cry aloud for them as well as yourself.


“This is the sign of a true ministry: it sees not only its need, but the needs of others too; & you cry aloud for them as well as yourself. For this Telethon is about bringing back resources to the people of God, away from those of the rebellious movements.


“The holiness movements have been infiltrated too, My College at Birkenhead being made into a citadel of Satan. Thy ministry sends those of older years to the mission field, just as Emmanuel did. For I have called thee to carry the mantle of J D Drysdale & Stanley Banks; not the rebellious movement that placed that College under the Higher Criticism of Manchester & Professor Peake.


“You stood outside the gates, from where missionaries were sent out, choruses & hymns being sung, & those laying down their lives to preach the gospel.


“You stood outside those gates; for what had they built but a fortress of Satan, to deny My Word that youth is to be restored to those of years which the world would call a pensioner.


“Oh, but oh yes! No more a pensioner, but a child. This is thy call: to raise up pensioners with wings like eagles.

“You formed a group called ‘Pensioners with a Mission’; & that is indeed what you became. But the forces of this world came against you, seeing pensioners as pensioners, & young people as young people; whereas in My eyes, there is no differential.


“So the Nazarene movement  - stolen by the organisers, with the policies & procedures of the god of this world, to whom they reported you to, so that you might abide by the policies & procedures of Satan, rather than the freedom & liberty of the living God.


 “What safety procedures did you have, when you crossed the minefield to Batticaloa? Oh, but one did have a safety procedure crossing the minefield. They say that you had no policies & procedures; but your policies & procedures were that of an ancient landmark. Mark 16 was your policy & procedure; & these new policies & procedures they have made you take, have stolen resources from My kingdom, which you must now claim back from a Commission placing you under law, rather than the liberty of the Spirit – an action illegal under the British Constitutional Acts, which thou art teaching to government, governments not honouring the oath of the monarch to God Almighty.


“Thou hast placed governmental prophecy after governmental prophecy on the internet; but they give no heed. As in the days of Noah, they laughed at My prophet, they laugh, & still slaughter the innocents, which they will pay for in hell, unless they repent. The hell-fire is being stirred up for those that slaughter My children, all politicians & medical staff facing an eternity in hell, unless they repent of their sin.


“For re-defining marriage, they re-define the relationship between Christ & His Church. The fires of hell are awaiting those who voted in favour of such a blasphemy – that is, unless they repent.


“On thy Christian Financing site, thou took on the banks which did not heed a House of Lords edict. They ignored thy court cases, & blamed thee. Yet all the blame was on their side; & thou has called a judgement against them; for they owe thee the resources to fulfil thy call.


“You are to continue the cases they have thrown out. You were right not to accept the return of court fees; for by doing this, you continue the cases against those stealing the very Constitution of thy nation – see


“Now, finally for this prophetic word: thou hast been to Fuller, thou hast been to Saddleback; thou hast been to the money-changer of San Diego; thou hast been to Knock & to Mexico; even to the stronghold of St Paul’s, to restore thy nation & its national Church; a national Church embracing the Emerging movement through Alpha, rather than the mantle of J C Ryle, & other bishops holding to the truth; & in amongst all of this, comes the Bible College of Wales – rightfully yours.


 “And now, the Every Creature Commission television channel; how you have seized the opportunity of the internet, & its possibilities of reaching every creature.


“Thou has looked to restore the Word of Faith movement back to Biblical Word of Faith, rather than the selfish lusts.


“In amongst all of this comes the Bible College of Wales – now Continuing. You carry the mantles of its missionaries; those of sacrifice rather than selfish gain. Thou has looked to contact the owner of its physical buildings, but to no avail. But it is you who walked those South Wales valleys those years ago. It is you who stood in Aberfan; you who stood in Treorchy; you who stood at Blaengwrach; you who stood at Moriah; you who stood in the seats of revival, even to the Hebrides, where you held a meeting in the Barvas Kirk, to restore the mantle of the lady intercessors & Duncan Campbell.


“It is you who did this on a limited budget; not those who come from the Charismatic world, with their stolen wealth & indulgences.

“So it is you who have the keys of the Bible College of Wales; not those of the Emerging Church background – but thee.


“You must continue to challenge them, & take back into the kingdom that which is rightfully yours.

“This is thy Telethon. Have you grasped it? The vision is big, isn’t it? Ha! Ha! Ha! The victory is assured. The intercession has been gained. Claim back into the kingdom that which is rightfully yours; for thou does not operate under thine own name, for thou art My body, My body carrying government on its shoulders; My body having the name above every other name; the body of Christ, that has only one name – the name, Christ Jesus.

“At His name, every knee has to bow, as you claim back My movements & My resources back to My remnant Church, the body of Christ.


“As thy brother Oliver would say: ‘The sons of Zadok, & not the sons of Eli.’ “


Word from the Lord through

David P Griffiths, 17/12/14

“Tithes & Offerings – Praise & Worship”


“The prophets of God will always challenge the people over tithes & offerings. It is their role in the five-fold ministry to bring justice. It is their role in the five-fold ministry to sit in the seats of power in the Old Testament, to ensure that the Temple synagogue system is properly funded; & so in the New Testament there is the culture of laying everything down before God.


“There is no such thing as a double-life Christian. The Christian hears from God & acts accordingly. But at times when this is not happening, the prophet will shout from the roof-tops that the nation & those in it, the Church & those in it, have robbed God.


“Now, in this era there are additional factors. The Emerging Church has robbed God of His movements & resources, so thy Telethon is about this, where you challenge state & nation that there has been a robbing of God.


“Leaders of Methodism, those of you who no longer preach the doctrine of Wesley, will you hand your movement over to those who do? Elim – you now portray the doctrines of Egypt, through Codices Alexandrinus, Vaticanus & Sinaiticus, instead of the text of your founder (The Received Text – Textus Receptus). Will you hand over your movement to those who proclaim the Foursquare Gospel, just like your founder did? Will you hand it over? It is My movement & not yours, & you have stolen it from those who proclaim the Foursquare Gospel. You have a new doctrine, of the Emerging Church & Higher Criticism.


“The ECCTV Telethon on the 25th. of December is about Elim handing over its movement to those of the Foursquare Gospel & the Received Text. If there are those of the Spirit of God who give to the Telethon to cover your expenses in this time of apostasy in what were once My movements, then you need that, & that is fine. But the main thrust of the Telethon is to get back My movements into the kingdom. The Alpha movement has taken over the Low Church – I want it back. Your TV channel proclaims the original heart of the Keswick Convention; & likewise, you are to do the Southport Convention.

“You need to claim back the Faith Mission to those proclaiming the intercession of Peggy & Christine, & the preaching of Campbell. WEC needs to be claimed back to those preaching the teaching of Grubb.


 “So, this Telethon is of the Spirit, to claim back the movements of My chosen pioneers, the offering being taken from those who administer movements with their own doctrines, rather than those of the founders of movements.


“The ‘keep you going offering’ side is not the main thrust of this Telethon, even though it is important you have the resources to keep going, & you can cry this out from Malachi & from Acts of the Apostles in relation to the sacrificial giving of the Early Church. All this you can do. But the main thrust of the Telethon is about getting My movements back. This is what the intercession at Fuller & Saddleback was all about. You had the Isaiah 58 word, to repair the breach; & now I want My movements back. The Emerging Church has taken over movement after movement, fellowship after fellowship, & has stripped individuals of the Word of God, Elim being one example of the Emerging Church move to strip people of their Bibles.


“Elim Bible College was founded as Elim Bible College, Jeffreys being of one book, the Received Text, Textus Receptus, not of Alexandrinus, Sinaiticus & Vaticanus.


“Likewise with the Bible College of Wales. This was taken over by the same belief structure, & was destroyed, except for a tiny remnant. You are that tiny remnant, the Telethon coming up to claim these movements back into the kingdom.


“Now, this Telethon is about claiming movements back, with the sharing of the vision & need, not only for yourselves, but the whole remnant Church that has need of resources, for their movements have been stolen from them. This is what the Telethon is all about.


“Now, I come to the subject of praise & worship. Now, I reject the praise & worship of the Emerging Church for the following reasons: It is very common for an audience to look to the band rather than to God. The landmark set amongst evangelical & Pentecostal churches was sacrificial blood hymns, consecration hymns, dedication hymns, praise to the Father hymns, worship of Jesus hymns, challenge hymns like, ‘Are You Washed in the Blood?’ Question hymns like, ‘Would You be Free from your Burden of Sin?’


 “But the hymns of the Emerging Church are not hymns at all. Commonly, they are an entertainment, with a lack of understanding of what the true gospel is.

“Look at the words of John Bunyan, Charles Wesley, Isaac Watts. These hymns are there to be sung till I come again; the Emerging Church not only removing the Word of God from My evangelical & Pentecostal movements, but also the ancient landmark of the hymn book, the psalter, & paraphrases. These have been widely removed, & I want them back.


“Now, this does not mean I do not inspire hymn writers today; but hymn writers all come from a life of sacrifice, rather than the affluence of blatant commercialism. Dotty Rambo was one such psalmist, pointing congregations to the sacrifice of Jesus. From a life of suffering, she wrote her heart, with Jesus in the pre-eminent position; & she impacted the entire entertainment industry of America, not compromising to the way they do things, but convicting the entertainment industry over the way they operate.


“In other words, she placed the songs of the Church above those of entertainment. Such has it been with the hymns of Bill & Gloria Gaither, who have honoured the ancient landmark of the hymn writers. You will note they carefully mix the hymns of old with the inspiration of God today. They have not forsaken the ancient landmark of the hymn writers.

“But the Emerging Church has come in, with a protocol of leadership that is not of God; & this is seen in their presentations of worship, that bear no relation to the ways I demand.


“So, this Telethon is about claiming back the hymn book to the Church; the psalter & the paraphrases. But not only that: the truly God-inspired songs of today, which you have seen manifest through the likes of Gaither & Rambo.


“Now, when it comes to instruments, I am not against instruments. ‘Let everything that have breath praise the Lord.’ But I am against heavy metal & rock music, that produces a demonic beat; that places people in the spirit, this demonic beat being very dangerous in relation to the mentality of the people. For it controls minds, & is the reason why so many in the Charismatic world have serious mental difficulties. For the ‘praise & worship’ ministry is being used to bring indulgences to those who practise deliverance ministries. So they mesmerise people in the

spirit in their so-called praise & worship sessions. Then they spend weeks looking to deliver the people from mental affliction.


“So the solution is to go back to true hymn-singing, psalm & paraphrase singing, as well as modern era songs truly inspired of the Holy Ghost.


“So, this Telethon is about bringing back true praise & worship. This is the main thrust of the Telethon: the restoration of that which has been stolen from My true Church, My Church which stands on the Rock, My Church which is My true body, My Church through My intercessor pulling down the money-changer in the Temple of San Diego.


“Be prepared for exciting days ahead. For I have overcome the world.”


Word from the Lord through David P Griffiths, 20/12/14

“Walking in the Heavenly Places in Christ Jesus”


“In this places, the things of the world do not exist. But you are aware, as Paul was aware, of the attacks that come to try & get you out of this walk. “No-one can be blessed by calling Christ accursed; & that is what Christmas does. For how can there be a celebration of the mass of Christ? For the mass is the literal eating of the Lord’s body. So it is the eating of Christ’s body while He was accursed on the cross.


“Oh, the devil is so clever. He has even the elect deceived. But you are walking the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, where there is only the resurrected Christ; where you walk with Him, & on the earth, as Him. “You see, you are walking above all these wiles of the devil. Even the elect are deceived.


The evidence is overwhelming that this is a satanic festival; but there is a control upon nations to perform it. I am well pleased this day has been chosen for the Telethon; the day to bring My movements back to Me. The devil is doing all he can to make you conform. You see, there is a code & a system out there, which you are expected to keep to. You have been told by those who think they are close to you, to conform to the systems of this world; but you have refused, & invited those at the place of satanic influence, to come to the cross & move on to the heavenly places in Christ Jesus.


“The devil can give vivid dreams, & attack the mind; but you have resisted these to walk the heavenly places in Christ Jesus. “One has given up one’s earthly wealth to walk the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, just as with the Early Church. This walk is total reliance on Me; & through admission of thy weakness, I am able to take over, & give you the victory.


“It is the New Testament walk. You do not find any celebration of Christmas in My Word. You do not find the Mass, you do not find transubstantiation. You see, this walk you are preaching requires no separate priesthood; for this walk is for the royal priesthood of believers, one in Christ, thus eliminating the need for a middle man; the Emerging Church leaders, as with the Romanist priests of old, making themselves mediators between God & man.  


“What you have done is taught the authority of the believer; & whosoever speaketh the Rhema Word of God, has authority over principality & power, the need for a middle man being gone; there being only Christ Jesus to present thee whole unto the Father, as one in the Godhead, that they may be one as we are one. “Oh, thou hast come a long way, oh children. Just as with Paul& Silas, they try to imprison you; try to convince you of defeat.


But thou hast stood fast. “Warn the people not to be moved by their emotions, particularly at Christmas time, with the distractions. The emotional reaction says, ‘I need to do this; I need to do that’; but you need to do nothing. I did it 2000 years ago for you.


“Thou art walking the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, high above principalities & powers. Thou hast the victory. Walk ye in it.”



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